
in package

The Horde_Util:: class provides generally useful methods.

Copyright 1999-2017 Horde LLC (

See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you did not receive this file, see


Chuck Hagenbuch


Jon Parise



license LGPL 2.1

Table of Contents

$patterns  : array<string|int, mixed>
A list of random patterns to use for overwriting purposes.
$_cache  : array<string|int, mixed>
Cache for extensionExists().
$_magicquotes  : bool
Are magic quotes in use?
$_shutdowndata  : array<string|int, mixed>
Data used to determine shutdown deletion.
$_shutdownreg  : bool
Has the shutdown method been registered?
createTempDir()  : string
Creates a temporary directory in the system's temporary directory.
deleteAtShutdown()  : mixed
Removes given elements at request shutdown.
dispelMagicQuotes()  : mixed
If magic_quotes_gpc is in use, run stripslashes() on $var.
extensionExists()  : bool
Caches the result of extension_loaded() calls.
formInput()  : string
Returns a hidden form input containing the session name and id.
getFormData()  : string
Gets a form variable from GET or POST data, stripped of magic quotes if necessary. If the variable is somehow set in both the GET data and the POST data, the value from the POST data will be returned and the GET value will be ignored.
getGet()  : string
Gets a form variable from GET data, stripped of magic quotes if necessary. This function will NOT return a POST variable.
getPathInfo()  : string
Utility function to obtain PATH_INFO information.
getPost()  : string
Gets a form variable from POST data, stripped of magic quotes if necessary. This function will NOT return a GET variable.
getTempFile()  : string
Creates a temporary filename for the lifetime of the script, and (optionally) registers it to be deleted at request shutdown.
getTempFileWithExtension()  : string
Creates a temporary filename with a specific extension for the lifetime of the script, and (optionally) registers it to be deleted at request shutdown.
loadExtension()  : bool
Tries to load a PHP extension, behaving correctly for all operating systems.
nonInputVar()  : mixed
Checks to see if a value has been set by the script and not by GET, POST, or cookie input. The value being checked MUST be in the global scope.
pformInput()  : mixed
Prints a hidden form input containing the session name and id.
realPath()  : string
Returns the canonical path of the string. Like PHP's built-in realpath() except the directory need not exist on the local server.
shutdown()  : mixed
Deletes registered files at request shutdown.
_secureDelete()  : mixed
Securely delete the file by overwriting the data with a random string.



A list of random patterns to use for overwriting purposes.

public static array<string|int, mixed> $patterns = array("U", "\xaa", "\x92I\$", "I\$\x92", "\$\x92I", "\x00", "\x11", "\"", "3", "D", "U", "f", "w", "\x88", "\x99", "\xaa", "\xbb", "\xcc", "\xdd", "\xee", "\xff", "\x92I\$", "I\$\x92", "\$\x92I", "m\xb6\xdb", "\xb6\xdbm", "\xdbm\xb6")

See We save the random overwrites for efficiency reasons.


Cache for extensionExists().

protected static array<string|int, mixed> $_cache = array()


Are magic quotes in use?

protected static bool $_magicquotes = \null


Data used to determine shutdown deletion.

protected static array<string|int, mixed> $_shutdowndata = array('paths' => array(), 'secure' => array())


Has the shutdown method been registered?

protected static bool $_shutdownreg = \false



Creates a temporary directory in the system's temporary directory.

public static createTempDir([bool $delete = true ][, string $temp_dir = null ]) : string
$delete : bool = true

Delete the temporary directory at the end of the request?

$temp_dir : string = null

Use this temporary directory as the directory where the temporary directory will be created.

Return values

The pathname to the new temporary directory. Returns false if directory not created.


Removes given elements at request shutdown.

public static deleteAtShutdown(string $filename[, bool $register = true ][, bool $secure = false ]) : mixed

If called with a filename will delete that file at request shutdown; if called with a directory will remove that directory and all files in that directory at request shutdown.

If called with no arguments, return all elements to be deleted (this should only be done by Horde_Util::_deleteAtShutdown()).

The first time it is called, it initializes the array and registers Horde_Util::_deleteAtShutdown() as a shutdown function - no need to do so manually.

The second parameter allows the unregistering of previously registered elements.

$filename : string

The filename to be deleted at the end of the request.

$register : bool = true

If true, then register the element for deletion, otherwise, unregister it.

$secure : bool = false

If deleting file, should we securely delete the file?

Return values


If magic_quotes_gpc is in use, run stripslashes() on $var.

public static dispelMagicQuotes(mixed $var) : mixed
$var : mixed

The string, or an array of strings, to un-quote.

Return values

$var, minus any magic quotes.


Caches the result of extension_loaded() calls.

public static extensionExists(string $ext) : bool
$ext : string

The extension name.

Return values

Is the extension loaded?


Returns a hidden form input containing the session name and id.

public static formInput(bool $append_session) : string
$append_session : bool

0 = only if needed, 1 = always.

Return values

The hidden form input, if needed/requested.


Gets a form variable from GET or POST data, stripped of magic quotes if necessary. If the variable is somehow set in both the GET data and the POST data, the value from the POST data will be returned and the GET value will be ignored.

public static getFormData(string $var[, string $default = null ]) : string
$var : string

The name of the form variable to look for.

$default : string = null

The value to return if the variable is not there.

Return values

The cleaned form variable, or $default.


Gets a form variable from GET data, stripped of magic quotes if necessary. This function will NOT return a POST variable.

public static getGet(string $var[, string $default = null ]) : string
$var : string

The name of the form variable to look for.

$default : string = null

The value to return if the variable is not there.

Return values

The cleaned form variable, or $default.


Utility function to obtain PATH_INFO information.

public static getPathInfo() : string
Return values

The PATH_INFO string.


Gets a form variable from POST data, stripped of magic quotes if necessary. This function will NOT return a GET variable.

public static getPost(string $var[, string $default = null ]) : string
$var : string

The name of the form variable to look for.

$default : string = null

The value to return if the variable is not there.

Return values

The cleaned form variable, or $default.


Creates a temporary filename for the lifetime of the script, and (optionally) registers it to be deleted at request shutdown.

public static getTempFile([string $prefix = '' ][, bool $delete = true ][, string $dir = '' ][, bool $secure = false ]) : string
$prefix : string = ''

Prefix to make the temporary name more recognizable.

$delete : bool = true

Delete the file at the end of the request?

$dir : string = ''

Directory to create the temporary file in.

$secure : bool = false

If deleting the file, should we securely delete the file by overwriting it with random data?

Return values

Returns the full path-name to the temporary file. Returns false if a temp file could not be created.


Creates a temporary filename with a specific extension for the lifetime of the script, and (optionally) registers it to be deleted at request shutdown.

public static getTempFileWithExtension([string $extension = '.tmp' ][, string $prefix = '' ][, bool $delete = true ][, string $dir = '' ][, bool $secure = false ]) : string
$extension : string = '.tmp'

The file extension to use.

$prefix : string = ''

Prefix to make the temporary name more recognizable.

$delete : bool = true

Delete the file at the end of the request?

$dir : string = ''

Directory to create the temporary file in.

$secure : bool = false

If deleting file, should we securely delete the file by overwriting it with random data?

Return values

Returns the full path-name to the temporary file. Returns false if a temporary file could not be created.


Tries to load a PHP extension, behaving correctly for all operating systems.

public static loadExtension(string $ext) : bool
$ext : string

The extension to load.

Return values

True if the extension is now loaded, false if not. True can mean that the extension was already loaded, OR was loaded dynamically.


Checks to see if a value has been set by the script and not by GET, POST, or cookie input. The value being checked MUST be in the global scope.

public static nonInputVar(string $varname[, mixed $default = null ]) : mixed
$varname : string

The variable name to check.

$default : mixed = null

Default value if the variable isn't present or was specified by the user. Defaults to null.

Return values

$default if the var is in user input or not present, the variable value otherwise.


Prints a hidden form input containing the session name and id.

public static pformInput(bool $append_session) : mixed
$append_session : bool

0 = only if needed, 1 = always.

Return values


Returns the canonical path of the string. Like PHP's built-in realpath() except the directory need not exist on the local server.

public static realPath(string $path) : string

Algorithim loosely based on code from the Perl File::Spec::Unix module (version 1.5).

$path : string

A file path.

Return values

The canonicalized file path.


Deletes registered files at request shutdown.

public static shutdown() : mixed

This function should never be called manually; it is registered as a shutdown function by Horde_Util::deleteAtShutdown() and called automatically at the end of the request.

Contains code from gpg_functions.php. Copyright 2002-2003 Braverock Ventures

Return values


Securely delete the file by overwriting the data with a random string.

protected static _secureDelete(string $file) : mixed
$file : string


Return values

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