
in package

The class Horde_SyncMl_Command_SyncElement stores information from the <Add>, <Delete> and <Replace> elements found inside a <Sync> command.

Instances of this class are created during the XML parsing by Horde_SyncMl_Command_Sync.

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Karsten Fourmont


Jan Schneider

Table of Contents

$cmdID  : int
The command ID (<CmdID>) of the sync command.
$content  : string
The actual data content of the sync command.
$contentFormat  : string
Encoding format of the content as specified in the <Meta><Format> element, like 'b64'.
$contentType  : string
The MIME content type of the sync command.
$cuid  : string
The client ID for the data item processed in the sync command.
$elementType  : string
Name of the sync command, like 'Add'.
$responseCode  : int
The code to be sent as status response in a <Status> element, one of the Horde_SyncMl::RESPONSE_* constants.
$size  : int
The size of the data item of the sync command in bytes as specified by a <Size> element.
$sync  : object
The Sync object for this element is part of.
__construct()  : mixed



The command ID (<CmdID>) of the sync command.

public int $cmdID


The actual data content of the sync command.

public string $content = ''


Encoding format of the content as specified in the <Meta><Format> element, like 'b64'.

public string $contentFormat


The MIME content type of the sync command.

public string $contentType


The client ID for the data item processed in the sync command.

public string $cuid


Name of the sync command, like 'Add'.

public string $elementType


The code to be sent as status response in a <Status> element, one of the Horde_SyncMl::RESPONSE_* constants.

public int $responseCode

This is set in Horde_SyncMl_Sync::handleClientSyncItem() when "processing" the item.


The size of the data item of the sync command in bytes as specified by a <Size> element.

public int $size


The Sync object for this element is part of.

public object $sync





public __construct(Horde_SyncMl_Sync $sync, string $elementType, int $cmdID, int $size) : mixed
$sync : Horde_SyncMl_Sync
$elementType : string
$cmdID : int
$size : int
Return values

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