
in package

Horde_SyncMl_DeviceInfo represents a device information set according to the SyncML specification.

A DeviceInfo object is created by Horde_SyncMl_Command_Put from an appropriate XML message. Horde_SyncMl_Command_Put directly populates the members variables.

The current implementation should handle all DevInf 1.1 DTD elements except entries.

Copyright 2005-2017 Horde LLC (

See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you did not receive this file, see


Karsten Fourmont


Jan Schneider

Table of Contents

$CTCaps  : array<string|int, mixed>
Multidimensional array that specifies the content type capabilities of the device.
$DataStores  : array<string|int, mixed>
Array of Horde_SyncMl_DataStore objects.
$DevID  : string
The (globally unique) identifier of the source synchronization device.
$DevTyp  : string
The type of the source synchronization device.
$Exts  : array<string|int, mixed>
The non-standard, experimental extensions supported by the device.
$FwV  : string
The firmware version of the device.
$HwV  : string
The hardware version of the device.
$Man  : string
The name of the manufacturer of the device.
$Mod  : string
The model name or model number of the device.
$OEM  : string
The OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) of the device.
$SupportLargeObjs  : bool
Whether the device supports handling of large objects.
$SupportNumberOfChanges  : bool
Whether the device supports number of changes.
$SwV  : string
The software version of the device.
$UTC  : bool
Whether the device supports UTC based time.
$VerDTD  : string
The major and minor version identifier of the Device Information DTD.
getDataStore()  : Horde_SyncMl_DataStore
Returns a Horde_SyncMl_DataStore object for a certain source URI.



Multidimensional array that specifies the content type capabilities of the device.

public array<string|int, mixed> $CTCaps

Example: array('text/x-vcard' => array('FN' => Horde_SyncMl_Property))


Array of Horde_SyncMl_DataStore objects.

public array<string|int, mixed> $DataStores = array()


The (globally unique) identifier of the source synchronization device.

public string $DevID


The type of the source synchronization device.

public string $DevTyp


The non-standard, experimental extensions supported by the device.

public array<string|int, mixed> $Exts

A hash with elements as keys and arrays of elements as values. Example: array('X-Foo-Bar' => array(1, 'foo'))


The firmware version of the device.

public string $FwV


The hardware version of the device.

public string $HwV


The name of the manufacturer of the device.

public string $Man


The model name or model number of the device.

public string $Mod


The OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) of the device.

public string $OEM


Whether the device supports handling of large objects.

public bool $SupportLargeObjs


Whether the device supports number of changes.

public bool $SupportNumberOfChanges


The software version of the device.

public string $SwV


Whether the device supports UTC based time.

public bool $UTC


The major and minor version identifier of the Device Information DTD.

public string $VerDTD



Returns a Horde_SyncMl_DataStore object for a certain source URI.

public getDataStore(mixed $sourceURI) : Horde_SyncMl_DataStore
$sourceURI : mixed
Return values

A data store object or null if none found for the source URI.

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