
Horde_SyncMl_Command_SyncHdr extends Horde_SyncMl_Command
in package

The Horde_SyncMl_Command_SyncHdr class provides a SyncML implementation of the SyncHdr as defined in SyncML Representation Protocol, version 1.1, section 5.2.2.

SyncHdr is not really a sync command, but this class takes advantage of the XML parser in Horde_SyncMl_Command.

Copyright 2006-2017 Horde LLC (

See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you did not receive this file, see


Karsten Fourmont


Jan Schneider

Table of Contents

$credData  : string
Authentication credential as specified by the <Cred><Data> element.
$credFormat  : string
Encoding format of $credData as specified in the <Cred><Meta><Format> element like 'b64'.
$credType  : string
Media type of $credData as specified in the <Cred><Meta><Type> element like 'auth-basic'.
$user  : string
Username as specified in the <LocName> element.
$_chars  : string
Buffer for the parsed character data.
$_cmdID  : int
The command ID (<CmdID>).
$_cmdName  : string
Name of the command.
$_maxMsgSize  : int
Maximum size of a SyncML message in bytes as specified by the <Meta><MaxMsgSize> element.
$_maxObjSize  : int
Maximum size of a SyncML object in bytes as specified by the <Meta><MaxObjSize> element.
$_message  : int
Id of the current message as specified in the <MsgID> element.
$_outputHandler  : Horde_SyncMl_XmlOutput
A Horde_SyncMl_XmlOutput instance responsible for generating the output.
$_sessionID  : string
Id of this SyncML session as specified in the <SessionID> element.
$_sourceURI  : string
The source URI as specified by the <Source><LocURI> element.
$_stack  : array<string|int, mixed>
Stack for holding the XML elements during creation of the object from the XML event flow.
$_targetURI  : string
The target URI as specified by the <Target><LocURI> element.
$_version  : int
SyncML protocol version as specified in the <VerProto> element.
__construct()  : mixed
characters()  : mixed
Character data handler for the XML parser, delegated from Horde_SyncMl_ContentHandler::characters().
endElement()  : mixed
End element handler for the XML parser, delegated from Horde_SyncMl_ContentHandler::endElement().
factory()  : Horde_SyncMl_Command
Attempts to return a concrete Horde_SyncMl_Command instance based on $command.
getCommandName()  : string
Returns the command name this instance is reponsible for.
handleCommand()  : mixed
This method is supposed to implement the actual business logic of the command once the XML parsing is complete.
setupState()  : mixed
Starts the PHP session and instantiates the global Horde_SyncMl_State object if doesn't exist yet.
startElement()  : mixed
Start element handler for the XML parser, delegated from Horde_SyncMl_ContentHandler::startElement().



Authentication credential as specified by the <Cred><Data> element.

public string $credData


Encoding format of $credData as specified in the <Cred><Meta><Format> element like 'b64'.

public string $credFormat


Media type of $credData as specified in the <Cred><Meta><Type> element like 'auth-basic'.

public string $credType


Username as specified in the <LocName> element.

public string $user


Buffer for the parsed character data.

protected string $_chars = ''


The command ID (<CmdID>).

protected int $_cmdID


Name of the command.

protected string $_cmdName = 'SyncHdr'


Maximum size of a SyncML message in bytes as specified by the <Meta><MaxMsgSize> element.

protected int $_maxMsgSize


Maximum size of a SyncML object in bytes as specified by the <Meta><MaxObjSize> element.

protected int $_maxObjSize


Id of the current message as specified in the <MsgID> element.

protected int $_message


Id of this SyncML session as specified in the <SessionID> element.

protected string $_sessionID

This is not to confuse with the PHP session id, though it is part of the generated PHP session id.


The source URI as specified by the <Source><LocURI> element.

protected string $_sourceURI


Stack for holding the XML elements during creation of the object from the XML event flow.

protected array<string|int, mixed> $_stack = array()


The target URI as specified by the <Target><LocURI> element.

protected string $_targetURI

This is normally the URL of the Horde RPC server. However the client is free to send anything.


SyncML protocol version as specified in the <VerProto> element.

protected int $_version

0 for SyncML 1.0, 1 for SyncML 1.1, etc.



Character data handler for the XML parser, delegated from Horde_SyncMl_ContentHandler::characters().

public characters(string $str) : mixed
$str : string

The data string.

Return values


End element handler for the XML parser, delegated from Horde_SyncMl_ContentHandler::endElement().

public endElement(string $uri, string $element) : mixed
$uri : string

The namespace URI of the element.

$element : string

The element tag name.

Return values


Attempts to return a concrete Horde_SyncMl_Command instance based on $command.

public factory(string $command, Horde_SyncMl_XmlOutput &$outputHandler) : Horde_SyncMl_Command
$command : string

The type of the concrete Horde_SyncMl_Comment subclass to return.

$outputHandler : Horde_SyncMl_XmlOutput

A Horde_SyncMl_XmlOutput object.

Return values

The newly created concrete Horde_SyncMl_Command instance, or false on error.


Returns the command name this instance is reponsible for.

public getCommandName() : string
Return values

The command name this object is handling.


This method is supposed to implement the actual business logic of the command once the XML parsing is complete.

public handleCommand([mixed $debug = false ]) : mixed
$debug : mixed = false
Return values


Starts the PHP session and instantiates the global Horde_SyncMl_State object if doesn't exist yet.

public setupState() : mixed
Return values


Start element handler for the XML parser, delegated from Horde_SyncMl_ContentHandler::startElement().

public startElement(string $uri, string $element, array<string|int, mixed> $attrs) : mixed
$uri : string

The namespace URI of the element.

$element : string

The element tag name.

$attrs : array<string|int, mixed>

A hash with the element's attributes.

Return values

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