
in package

Horde_Service_Weather_Current_Base class


Michael J Rubinsky



Table of Contents

$  : string
$  : string
$  : Horde_Date
$  : Horde_Date
$  : string
$  : string
$  : string
$  : string
$  : string
$  : string
$  : string
$  : string
$  : string
$  : string
$  : string
$  : string
$  : string
$  : string
$  : string
$  : string
$  : string
$_properties  : array<string|int, mixed>
Local properties cache. Property names differ depending on the backend.
$_weather  : Horde_Service_Weather_Base
Parent weather object.
__construct()  : Horde_Service_Weather_Current_Base
__get()  : mixed



public string $

pressure The barometric pressure.


public string $

icon Icon name to represent conditions.


public Horde_Date $

time_utc Forecast time in UTC. @since 1.2.0


public Horde_Date $

time Forecast time in local (to station) time. NOTE the timezone property of the date object is NOT guarenteed to be correct, and might be presented as the servers' default timezone. This is because not all APIs return the timezone identifier.


public string $

logo_url Url to logo.


public string $

icon_url Url to icon.


public string $

wind Full wind description string.


public string $

humidity The humidity.


public string $

conditions The condition string.


public string $

condition The condition string (for BC).


public string $

temp The temperature.


public string $

pressure_trend The pressure trend.


public string $

heat_index Heat index.


public string $

wind_chill The wind chill.


public string $

visibility The visisbility, in requested units.


public string $

wind_gust The wind gust speed.


public string $

wind_speed The wind speed, in requested units.


public string $

wind_degrees The wind direction, in degrees.


public string $

wind_direction The cardinal wind direction.


public string $

dewpoint The dewpoint.


public string $

logo_url URL to a provider logo.


Local properties cache. Property names differ depending on the backend.

protected array<string|int, mixed> $_properties = array()

Concrete classes map them to the available properties.



public __get(mixed $property) : mixed
$property : mixed
Return values

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