in package
The AWS backend of the DNS service NOTE: works only with aws-cli installed
See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you did not receive this file, see http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21.
Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums
- Horde_DNS_Backend
- The interface defining the functions for the available backends
Table of Contents
- __construct() : mixed
- The constructor checks if awscli, for communicating with AWS, is installed
- addRecord() : mixed
- The function to add a DNS record to a defined zone in the AWS backend
- addZone() : mixed
- The function to add a Zone to the AWS backend TODO: Add the timezone to the function call TODO: Insert the code and check if its actually working
- deleteRecord() : mixed
- The function to delete a DNS record from a defined zone in the AWS backend
- deleteZone() : mixed
- The function to delete a Zone from the AWS backend TODO: Insert the code and check if its actually working
- updateRecord() : mixed
- The function to update a DNS record to in a defined zone in the AWS backend
- writeJsonFile() : mixed
- The function to write the JSON file necessary for record operations in the AWS backend
The constructor checks if awscli, for communicating with AWS, is installed
__construct() : mixed
Return values
mixed —addRecord()
The function to add a DNS record to a defined zone in the AWS backend
addRecord(Horde_DNS_Record $record) : mixed
- $record : Horde_DNS_Record
The definition of a record
Return values
mixed —addZone()
The function to add a Zone to the AWS backend TODO: Add the timezone to the function call TODO: Insert the code and check if its actually working
addZone(Horde_DNS_Zone $zone) : mixed
- $zone : Horde_DNS_Zone
The definition of a DNS Zone
Return values
mixed —deleteRecord()
The function to delete a DNS record from a defined zone in the AWS backend
deleteRecord(Horde_DNS_Record $record) : mixed
- $record : Horde_DNS_Record
The definition of a record
Return values
mixed —deleteZone()
The function to delete a Zone from the AWS backend TODO: Insert the code and check if its actually working
deleteZone(Horde_DNS_Zone $zone) : mixed
- $zone : Horde_DNS_Zone
The definition of a DNS Zone
Return values
mixed —updateRecord()
The function to update a DNS record to in a defined zone in the AWS backend
updateRecord(Horde_DNS_Record $record) : mixed
- $record : Horde_DNS_Record
The definition of a record
Return values
mixed —writeJsonFile()
The function to write the JSON file necessary for record operations in the AWS backend
writeJsonFile(Horde_DNS_Record $record, string $transaction) : mixed
- $record : Horde_DNS_Record
The definition of a record
- $transaction : string
The definition of the transaction (UPSERT, DELETE, CREATE)