
Horde_ActiveSync_Wbxml_Decoder extends Horde_ActiveSync_Wbxml
in package

ActiveSync specific WBXML decoder.

license GPLv2


2009-2020 Horde LLC (


Michael J Rubinsky

Table of Contents

EN_TAG  = 2
EN_TYPE  = 1
END  = 0x1
ENTITY  = 0x2
EXT_0  = 0xc0
EXT_1  = 0xc1
EXT_2  = 0xc2
EXT_I_0  = 0x40
EXT_I_1  = 0x41
EXT_I_2  = 0x42
EXT_T_0  = 0x80
EXT_T_1  = 0x81
EXT_T_2  = 0x82
LITERAL  = 0x4
LITERAL_A  = 0x84
LITERAL_AC  = 0xc4
LITERAL_C  = 0x44
OPAQUE  = 0xc3
PI  = 0x43
STR_I  = 0x3
STR_T  = 0x83
$charsetid  : mixed
$publicid  : mixed
$publicstringid  : mixed
$stringtable  : mixed
$version  : int
Store the wbxml version value. Used to verify we have a valid wbxml input stream.
$_attrcp  : mixed
$_buffer  : stream
Temporary string buffer
$_dtd  : array<string|int, mixed>
The code page definitions for the wbxml encoder/decoders
$_isWbxml  : bool
Flag to indicate we have a valid wbxml input stream
$_lastStartElement  : array<string|int, mixed>
Cache the last successfully fetched start tag array. Used to be able to easily detected emtpy nodes after the element was already fetched.
$_logger  : Horde_Log_Logger
$_logLevel  : mixed
Logging level.
$_logStack  : array<string|int, mixed>
Used to hold log entries for each tag so we can only output the log entries for the tags that are actually sent (@see $_stack).
$_procid  : int
The current procid
$_readHeader  : mixed
$_stream  : Horde_Stream
Input or Output stream
$_tagcp  : int
Track the codepage for the currently output tag so we know when to switch codepages.
$_ungetbuffer  : mixed
__construct()  : mixed
_ungetElement()  : void
Unget the specified element from the stream. Places the element into the unget buffer.
getElement()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Returns either start, content or end, and auto-concatenates successive content.
getElementContent()  : mixed
Get the element contents
getElementEndTag()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Get the next tag, which is assumed to be an end tag.
getElementStartTag()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Get the next tag, which is assumed to be a start tag.
getFullInputStream()  : resource
Return the full, raw, input stream. Used for things like SendMail request where we don't have wbxml to parse. The calling code is responsible for closing the stream.
getLastStartElement()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Returns the last element array fetched using getElementStartTag()
getStream()  : mixed
getToken()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get the next [start | content | end] tag.
isEmptyElement()  : bool
Returns whether or not the passed in element array represents an empty tag.
isWbxml()  : bool
Check that the input stream contains wbxml. Basically looks for a valid WBXML_VERSION header. self::readWbxmlHeader MUST have been called already.
peek()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Peek at the next element in the stream.
readWbxmlHeader()  : mixed
Start reading the wbxml stream, pulling off the initial header and populate the properties.
setLogger()  : mixed
Set the logger instance
_getAttributes()  : mixed
Get the element attributes
_getByte()  : string
Fetch a single byte from the stream.
_getMapping()  : mixed
Get a dtd mapping
_getMBUInt()  : int
Get an MBU integer
_getOpaque()  : string
Get an opaque value from the stream of the specified length.
_getStringTable()  : string
Fetch the string table. Don't think we use the results anywhere though.
_getStringTableEntry()  : string
Really don't know for sure what this method is supposed to do, it is called from numerous places in this class, but the original zpush code did not contain this, either it's completely broken, or normal use-cases do not reach the calling code. Either way, it needs to eventually be fixed.
_getTempStream()  : stream
Return the temporary buffer stream.
_getTermStr()  : string
Get a null terminated string from the stream.
_getToken()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get the next start tag, content or end tag
_logToken()  : void
Log the token.
_readVersion()  : mixed
Read the Wbxml version header byte, and buffer the input incase we need the full stream later.
_splitAttribute()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Parses an attribute string



public mixed EN_ATTRIBUTES = 5


public mixed EN_CONTENT = 3


public mixed EN_FLAGS = 4


public mixed EN_FLAGS_ATTRIBUTES = 2


public mixed EN_FLAGS_CONTENT = 1


public mixed EN_TAG = 2


public mixed EN_TYPE = 1


public mixed EN_TYPE_CONTENT = 3


public mixed EN_TYPE_ENDTAG = 2


public mixed EN_TYPE_STARTTAG = 1


public mixed ENTITY = 0x2


public mixed EXT_0 = 0xc0


public mixed EXT_1 = 0xc1


public mixed EXT_2 = 0xc2


public mixed EXT_I_0 = 0x40


public mixed EXT_I_1 = 0x41


public mixed EXT_I_2 = 0x42


public mixed EXT_T_0 = 0x80


public mixed EXT_T_1 = 0x81


public mixed EXT_T_2 = 0x82


public mixed LITERAL = 0x4


public mixed LITERAL_A = 0x84


public mixed LITERAL_AC = 0xc4


public mixed LITERAL_C = 0x44


public mixed LOG_DETAILED = 1


public mixed LOG_MAXCONTENT = 50


public mixed LOG_PROTOCOL = 2


public mixed OPAQUE = 0xc3


public mixed STR_I = 0x3


public mixed STR_T = 0x83


public mixed SWITCH_PAGE = 0x0


public mixed WBXML_VERSION = 0x3



public mixed $publicstringid


public mixed $stringtable


Store the wbxml version value. Used to verify we have a valid wbxml input stream.

public int $version

H6 Make this (and most of the other) properties protected.


protected mixed $_attrcp = 0


Temporary string buffer

protected stream $_buffer


The code page definitions for the wbxml encoder/decoders

protected array<string|int, mixed> $_dtd = array('codes' => array( 0 => array( 0x5 => 'Synchronize', 0x6 => 'Replies', 0x7 => 'Add', 0x8 => 'Modify', 0x9 => 'Remove', 0xa => 'Fetch', 0xb => 'SyncKey', 0xc => 'ClientEntryId', 0xd => 'ServerEntryId', 0xe => 'Status', 0xf => 'Folder', 0x10 => 'FolderType', 0x11 => 'Version', 0x12 => 'FolderId', 0x13 => 'GetChanges', 0x14 => 'MoreAvailable', 0x15 => 'WindowSize', 0x16 => 'Commands', 0x17 => 'Options', 0x18 => 'FilterType', 0x19 => 'Truncation', 0x1a => 'RtfTruncation', 0x1b => 'Conflict', 0x1c => 'Folders', 0x1d => 'Data', 0x1e => 'DeletesAsMoves', 0x1f => 'NotifyGUID', 0x20 => 'Supported', 0x21 => 'SoftDelete', 0x22 => 'MIMESupport', 0x23 => 'MIMETruncation', 0x24 => 'Wait', 0x25 => 'Limit', 0x26 => 'Partial', // EAS 14.0 0x27 => 'ConversationMode', 0x28 => 'MaxItems', 0x29 => 'HeartbeatInterval', ), /* POOMCONTACTS */ 1 => array( 0x5 => 'Anniversary', 0x6 => 'AssistantName', 0x7 => 'AssistnamePhoneNumber', 0x8 => 'Birthday', 0x9 => 'Body', 0xa => 'BodySize', 0xb => 'BodyTruncated', 0xc => 'Business2PhoneNumber', 0xd => 'BusinessCity', 0xe => 'BusinessCountry', 0xf => 'BusinessPostalCode', 0x10 => 'BusinessState', 0x11 => 'BusinessStreet', 0x12 => 'BusinessFaxNumber', 0x13 => 'BusinessPhoneNumber', 0x14 => 'CarPhoneNumber', 0x15 => 'Categories', 0x16 => 'Category', 0x17 => 'Children', 0x18 => 'Child', 0x19 => 'CompanyName', 0x1a => 'Department', 0x1b => 'Email1Address', 0x1c => 'Email2Address', 0x1d => 'Email3Address', 0x1e => 'FileAs', 0x1f => 'FirstName', 0x20 => 'Home2PhoneNumber', 0x21 => 'HomeCity', 0x22 => 'HomeCountry', 0x23 => 'HomePostalCode', 0x24 => 'HomeState', 0x25 => 'HomeStreet', 0x26 => 'HomeFaxNumber', 0x27 => 'HomePhoneNumber', 0x28 => 'JobTitle', 0x29 => 'LastName', 0x2a => 'MiddleName', 0x2b => 'MobilePhoneNumber', 0x2c => 'OfficeLocation', 0x2d => 'OtherCity', 0x2e => 'OtherCountry', 0x2f => 'OtherPostalCode', 0x30 => 'OtherState', 0x31 => 'OtherStreet', 0x32 => 'PagerNumber', 0x33 => 'RadioPhoneNumber', 0x34 => 'Spouse', 0x35 => 'Suffix', 0x36 => 'Title', 0x37 => 'WebPage', 0x38 => 'YomiCompanyName', 0x39 => 'YomiFirstName', 0x3a => 'YomiLastName', 0x3b => 'Rtf', // EAS 2.5 only. 0x3c => 'Picture', // EAS 14.0 0x3d => 'Alias', 0x3e => 'WeightedRank', ), /* POOMMAIL */ 2 => array( 0x5 => 'Attachment', 0x6 => 'Attachments', 0x7 => 'AttName', 0x8 => 'AttSize', 0x9 => 'AttOid', 0xa => 'AttMethod', 0xb => 'AttRemoved', 0xc => 'Body', 0xd => 'BodySize', 0xe => 'BodyTruncated', 0xf => 'DateReceived', 0x10 => 'DisplayName', 0x11 => 'DisplayTo', 0x12 => 'Importance', 0x13 => 'MessageClass', 0x14 => 'Subject', 0x15 => 'Read', 0x16 => 'To', 0x17 => 'Cc', 0x18 => 'From', 0x19 => 'Reply-To', 0x1a => 'AllDayEvent', 0x1b => 'Categories', // EAS 14.0 0x1c => 'Category', // EAS 14.0 0x1d => 'DtStamp', 0x1e => 'EndTime', 0x1f => 'InstanceType', 0x20 => 'BusyStatus', 0x21 => 'Location', 0x22 => 'MeetingRequest', 0x23 => 'Organizer', 0x24 => 'RecurrenceId', 0x25 => 'Reminder', 0x26 => 'ResponseRequested', 0x27 => 'Recurrences', 0x28 => 'Recurrence', 0x29 => 'Type', 0x2a => 'Until', 0x2b => 'Occurrences', 0x2c => 'Interval', 0x2d => 'DayOfWeek', 0x2e => 'DayOfMonth', 0x2f => 'WeekOfMonth', 0x30 => 'MonthOfYear', 0x31 => 'StartTime', 0x32 => 'Sensitivity', 0x33 => 'TimeZone', 0x34 => 'GlobalObjId', 0x35 => 'ThreadTopic', 0x36 => 'MIMEData', 0x37 => 'MIMETruncated', 0x38 => 'MIMESize', 0x39 => 'InternetCPID', // EAS 12.0 0x3a => 'Flag', 0x3b => 'FlagStatus', 0x3c => 'ContentClass', 0x3d => 'FlagType', 0x3e => 'CompleteTime', // EAS 14.0 0x3f => 'DisallowNewTimeProposal', ), /* 3 == AirNotify == deprecated */ /* POOMCAL */ 4 => array( 0x5 => 'Timezone', 0x6 => 'AllDayEvent', 0x7 => 'Attendees', 0x8 => 'Attendee', 0x9 => 'Email', 0xa => 'Name', 0xb => 'Body', // 2.5 Only 0xc => 'BodyTruncated', // 2.5 Only 0xd => 'BusyStatus', 0xe => 'Categories', 0xf => 'Category', 0x10 => 'Rtf', // 2.5 ONly 0x11 => 'DtStamp', 0x12 => 'EndTime', 0x13 => 'Exception', 0x14 => 'Exceptions', 0x15 => 'Deleted', 0x16 => 'ExceptionStartTime', 0x17 => 'Location', 0x18 => 'MeetingStatus', 0x19 => 'OrganizerEmail', 0x1a => 'OrganizerName', 0x1b => 'Recurrence', 0x1c => 'Type', 0x1d => 'Until', 0x1e => 'Occurrences', 0x1f => 'Interval', 0x20 => 'DayOfWeek', 0x21 => 'DayOfMonth', 0x22 => 'WeekOfMonth', 0x23 => 'MonthOfYear', 0x24 => 'Reminder', 0x25 => 'Sensitivity', 0x26 => 'Subject', 0x27 => 'StartTime', 0x28 => 'UID', // EAS 12.0 0x29 => 'AttendeeStatus', 0x2a => 'AttendeeType', // EAS 12.1 (Apparently no longer documented). 0x2b => 'Attachment', 0x2c => 'Attachments', 0x2d => 'AttName', 0x2e => 'AttSize', 0x2f => 'AttOid', 0x30 => 'AttMethod', 0x31 => 'AttRemoved', 0x32 => 'DisplayName', // EAS 14 0x33 => 'DisallowNewTimeProposal', 0x34 => 'ResponseRequested', 0x35 => 'AppointmentReplyTime', 0x36 => 'ResponseType', 0x37 => 'CalendarType', 0x38 => 'IsLeapMonth', // EAS 14.1 0x39 => 'FirstDayOfWeek', 0x3a => 'OnlineMeetingConfLink', 0x3b => 'OnlineMeetingExternalLink', // EAS 16.0 0x3c => 'ClientUid', ), /* MOVE */ 5 => array(0x5 => 'Moves', 0x6 => 'Move', 0x7 => 'SrcMsgId', 0x8 => 'SrcFldId', 0x9 => 'DstFldId', 0xa => 'Response', 0xb => 'Status', 0xc => 'DstMsgId'), /* GETITEMESTIMATE */ 6 => array( 0x5 => 'GetItemEstimate', 0x6 => 'Version', // 12.1 0x7 => 'Folders', 0x8 => 'Folder', 0x9 => 'FolderType', // 12.1 0xa => 'FolderId', 0xb => 'DateTime', // 12.1 0xc => 'Estimate', 0xd => 'Response', 0xe => 'Status', ), /* FOLDERHIERARCHY */ 7 => array(0x5 => 'Folders', 0x6 => 'Folder', 0x7 => 'DisplayName', 0x8 => 'ServerEntryId', 0x9 => 'ParentId', 0xa => 'Type', 0xb => 'Response', 0xc => 'Status', 0xd => 'ContentClass', 0xe => 'Changes', 0xf => 'Add', 0x10 => 'Remove', 0x11 => 'Update', 0x12 => 'SyncKey', 0x13 => 'FolderCreate', 0x14 => 'FolderDelete', 0x15 => 'FolderUpdate', 0x16 => 'FolderSync', 0x17 => 'Count', 0x18 => 'Version'), /* MEETINGRESPONSE */ 8 => array( 0x5 => 'CalendarId', 0x6 => 'FolderId', 0x7 => 'MeetingResponse', 0x8 => 'RequestId', 0x9 => 'Request', 0xa => 'Result', 0xb => 'Status', 0xc => 'UserResponse', 0xd => 'Version', // EAS 14.1 0xe => 'InstanceId', // EAS 16.0 0x12 => 'SendResponse', ), /* POOMTASKS */ 9 => array( 0x5 => 'Body', 0x6 => 'BodySize', 0x7 => 'BodyTruncated', 0x8 => 'Categories', 0x9 => 'Category', 0xa => 'Complete', 0xb => 'DateCompleted', 0xc => 'DueDate', 0xd => 'UtcDueDate', 0xe => 'Importance', 0xf => 'Recurrence', 0x10 => 'Type', 0x11 => 'Start', 0x12 => 'Until', 0x13 => 'Occurrences', 0x14 => 'Interval', 0x16 => 'DayOfWeek', 0x15 => 'DayOfMonth', 0x17 => 'WeekOfMonth', 0x18 => 'MonthOfYear', 0x19 => 'Regenerate', 0x1a => 'DeadOccur', 0x1b => 'ReminderSet', 0x1c => 'ReminderTime', 0x1d => 'Sensitivity', 0x1e => 'StartDate', 0x1f => 'UtcStartDate', 0x20 => 'Subject', 0x21 => 'Rtf', // EAS 12.0 0x22 => 'OrdinalDate', 0x23 => 'SubOrdinalDate', // EAS 14.0 0x24 => 'CalendarType', 0x25 => 'IsLeapMonth', // EAS 14.1 0x26 => 'FirstDayOfWeek', ), /* RESOLVERECIPIENTS */ 0xa => array( 0x5 => 'ResolveRecipients', 0x6 => 'Response', 0x7 => 'Status', 0x8 => 'Type', 0x9 => 'Recipient', 0xa => 'DisplayName', 0xb => 'EmailAddress', 0xc => 'Certificates', 0xd => 'Certificate', 0xe => 'MiniCertificate', 0xf => 'Options', 0x10 => 'To', 0x11 => 'CertificateRetrieval', 0x12 => 'RecipientCount', 0x13 => 'MaxCertificates', 0x14 => 'MaxAmbiguousRecipients', 0x15 => 'CertificateCount', 0x16 => 'Availability', 0x17 => 'StartTime', 0x18 => 'EndTime', 0x19 => 'MergedFreeBusy', // 14.1 0x1a => 'Picture', 0x1b => 'MaxSize', 0x1c => 'Data', 0x1d => 'MaxPictures', ), /* VALIDATECERT */ 0xb => array(0x5 => 'ValidateCert', 0x6 => 'Certificates', 0x7 => 'Certificate', 0x8 => 'CertificateChain', 0x9 => 'CheckCRL', 0xa => 'Status'), /* POOMCONTACTS2*/ 0xc => array(0x5 => 'CustomerId', 0x6 => 'GovernmentId', 0x7 => 'IMAddress', 0x8 => 'IMAddress2', 0x9 => 'IMAddress3', 0xa => 'ManagerName', 0xb => 'CompanyMainPhone', 0xc => 'AccountName', 0xd => 'NickName', 0xe => 'MMS'), /* PING */ 0xd => array(0x5 => 'Ping', 0x6 => 'AutdState', 0x7 => 'Status', 0x8 => 'HeartbeatInterval', 0x9 => 'Folders', 0xa => 'Folder', 0xb => 'ServerEntryId', 0xc => 'FolderType', 0xd => 'MaxFolders'), /* PROVISION */ 0xe => array( 0x5 => 'Provision', 0x6 => 'Policies', 0x7 => 'Policy', 0x8 => 'PolicyType', 0x9 => 'PolicyKey', 0xa => 'Data', 0xb => 'Status', 0xc => 'RemoteWipe', 0xd => 'EASProvisionDoc', // EAS 12.0 0xe => 'DevicePasswordEnabled', 0xf => 'AlphanumericDevicePasswordRequired', 0x10 => 'DeviceEncryptionEnabled', 0x11 => 'PasswordRecoveryEnabled', 0x12 => 'DocumentBrowseEnabled', 0x13 => 'AttachmentsEnabled', 0x14 => 'MinDevicePasswordLength', 0x15 => 'MaxInactivityTimeDeviceLock', 0x16 => 'MaxDevicePasswordFailedAttempts', 0x17 => 'MaxAttachmentSize', 0x18 => 'AllowSimpleDevicePassword', 0x19 => 'DevicePasswordExpiration', 0x1a => 'DevicePasswordHistory', // EAS 12.1 0x1b => 'AllowStorageCard', 0x1c => 'AllowCamera', 0x1d => 'RequireDeviceEncryption', 0x1e => 'AllowUnsignedApplications', 0x1f => 'AllowUnsignedInstallationPackages', 0x20 => 'MinDevicePasswordComplexCharacters', 0x21 => 'AllowWiFi', 0x22 => 'AllowTextMessaging', 0x23 => 'AllowPOPIMAPEmail', 0x24 => 'AllowBluetooth', 0x25 => 'AllowIrDA', 0x26 => 'RequireManualSyncWhenRoaming', 0x27 => 'AllowDesktopSync', 0x28 => 'MaxCalendarAgeFilter', 0x29 => 'AllowHTMLEmail', 0x2a => 'MaxEmailAgeFilter', 0x2b => 'MaxEmailBodyTruncationSize', 0x2c => 'MaxHTMLBodyTruncationSize', 0x2d => 'RequireSignedSMIMEMessages', 0x2e => 'RequireEncryptedSMIMEMessages', 0x2f => 'RequireSignedSMIMEAlgorithm', 0x30 => 'RequireEncryptedSMIMEAlgorithm', 0x31 => 'AllowSMIMEEncryptionAlgorithmNegotiation', 0x32 => 'AllowSMIMESoftCerts', 0x33 => 'AllowBrowser', 0x34 => 'AllowConsumerEmail', 0x35 => 'AllowRemoteDesktop', 0x36 => 'AllowInternetSharing', 0x37 => 'UnapprovedInROMApplicationList', 0x38 => 'ApplicationName', 0x39 => 'ApprovedApplicationList', 0x3a => 'Hash', ), /* SEARCH */ 0xf => array( 0x5 => 'Search', 0x7 => 'Store', 0x8 => 'Name', 0x9 => 'Query', 0xa => 'Options', 0xb => 'Range', 0xc => 'Status', 0xd => 'Response', 0xe => 'Result', 0xf => 'Properties', 0x10 => 'Total', 0x11 => 'EqualTo', 0x12 => 'Value', 0x13 => 'And', 0x14 => 'Or', 0x15 => 'FreeText', 0x17 => 'DeepTraversal', 0x18 => 'LongId', 0x19 => 'RebuildResults', 0x1a => 'LessThan', 0x1b => 'GreaterThan', 0x1c => 'Schema', 0x1d => 'Supported', // EAS 12.1 0x1e => 'UserName', 0x1f => 'Password', 0x20 => 'ConversationId', // EAS 14.1 0x21 => 'Picture', 0x22 => 'MaxSize', 0x23 => 'MaxPictures', ), /* GAL (Global Address List) */ 0x10 => array( 0x5 => 'DisplayName', 0x6 => 'Phone', 0x7 => 'Office', 0x8 => 'Title', 0x9 => 'Company', 0xa => 'Alias', 0xb => 'FirstName', 0xc => 'LastName', 0xd => 'HomePhone', 0xe => 'MobilePhone', 0xf => 'EmailAddress', // 14.1 0x10 => 'Picture', 0x11 => 'Status', 0x12 => 'Data', ), // EAS 12.0 /* AIRSYNCBASE */ 0x11 => array( 0x5 => 'BodyPreference', 0x6 => 'Type', 0x7 => 'TruncationSize', 0x8 => 'AllOrNone', 0xa => 'Body', 0xb => 'Data', 0xc => 'EstimatedDataSize', 0xd => 'Truncated', 0xe => 'Attachments', 0xf => 'Attachment', 0x10 => 'DisplayName', 0x11 => 'FileReference', 0x12 => 'Method', 0x13 => 'ContentId', 0x14 => 'ContentLocation', 0x15 => 'IsInline', 0x16 => 'NativeBodyType', 0x17 => 'ContentType', // EAS 14.0 0x18 => 'Preview', // EAS 14.1 0x19 => 'BodyPartPreference', 0x1a => 'BodyPart', 0x1b => 'Status', // EAS 16.0 0x1c => 'Add', 0x1d => 'Delete', 0x1e => 'ClientId', 0x1f => 'Content', 0x20 => 'Location', 0x21 => 'Annontation', 0x22 => 'Street', 0x23 => 'City', 0x24 => 'State', 0x25 => 'Country', 0x26 => 'PostalCode', 0x27 => 'Latitude', 0x28 => 'Longitude', 0x29 => 'Accuracy', 0x2a => 'Altitude', 0x2b => 'AltitudeAccuracy', 0x2c => 'LocationUri', 0x2d => 'InstanceId', ), /* SETTINGS */ 0x12 => array( 0x5 => 'Settings', 0x6 => 'Status', 0x7 => 'Get', 0x8 => 'Set', 0x9 => 'Oof', 0xa => 'OofState', 0xb => 'StartTime', 0xc => 'EndTime', 0xd => 'OofMessage', 0xe => 'AppliesToInternal', 0xf => 'AppliesToExternalKnown', 0x10 => 'AppliesToExternalUnknown', 0x11 => 'Enabled', 0x12 => 'ReplyMessage', 0x13 => 'BodyType', 0x14 => 'DevicePassword', 0x15 => 'Password', 0x16 => 'DeviceInformation', 0x17 => 'Model', 0x18 => 'IMEI', 0x19 => 'FriendlyName', 0x1a => 'OS', 0x1b => 'OSLanguage', 0x1c => 'PhoneNumber', 0x1d => 'UserInformation', 0x1e => 'EmailAddresses', 0x1f => 'SmtpAddress', // EAS 12.1 0x20 => 'UserAgent', // EAS 14.0 0x21 => 'EnableOutboundSMS', 0x22 => 'MobileOperator', // EAS 14.1 0x23 => 'PrimarySmtpAddress', 0x24 => 'Accounts', 0x25 => 'Account', 0x26 => 'AccountId', 0x27 => 'AccountName', 0x28 => 'UserDisplayName', 0x29 => 'SendDisabled', 0x2b => 'RightsManagementInformation', ), /* Document Library */ 0x13 => array(0x5 => 'LinkId', 0x6 => 'DisplayName', 0x7 => 'IsFolder', 0x8 => 'CreationDate', 0x9 => 'LastModifiedDate', 0xa => 'IsHidden', 0xb => 'ContentLength', 0xc => 'ContentType'), /* ITEMOPERATIONS */ 0x14 => array( 0x5 => 'ItemOperations', 0x6 => 'Fetch', 0x7 => 'Store', 0x8 => 'Options', 0x9 => 'Range', 0xa => 'Total', 0xb => 'Properties', 0xc => 'Data', 0xd => 'Status', 0xe => 'Response', 0xf => 'Version', 0x10 => 'Schema', 0x11 => 'Part', 0x12 => 'EmptyFolderContent', 0x13 => 'DeleteSubFolders', // EAS 12.1 0x14 => 'UserName', 0x15 => 'Password', // EAS 14.0 0x16 => 'Move', 0x17 => 'DstFldId', 0x18 => 'ConversationId', 0x19 => 'MoveAlways', ), /* COMPOSEMAIL (14.0) */ 0x15 => array( 0x5 => 'SendMail', 0x6 => 'SmartForward', 0x7 => 'SmartReply', 0x8 => 'SaveInSentItems', 0x9 => 'ReplaceMime', 0xa => 'Type', 0xb => 'Source', 0xc => 'FolderId', 0xd => 'ItemId', 0xe => 'LongId', 0xf => 'InstanceId', 0x10 => 'MIME', 0x11 => 'ClientId', 0x12 => 'Status', // 14.1 0x13 => 'AccountId', // EAS 16.0 0x15 => 'Forwardees', 0x16 => 'Forwardee', 0x17 => 'ForwardeeName', 0x18 => 'ForwardeeEmail', ), /* POOMMAIL2 (14.0) */ 0x16 => array( 0x5 => 'UmCallerId', 0x6 => 'UmUserNotes', 0x7 => 'UmAttDuration', 0x8 => 'UmAttOrder', 0x9 => 'ConversationId', 0xa => 'ConversationIndex', 0xb => 'LastVerbExecuted', 0xc => 'LastVerbExecutionTime', 0xd => 'ReceivedAsBcc', 0xe => 'Sender', 0xf => 'CalendarType', 0x10 => 'IsLeapMonth', // 14.1 0x11 => 'AccountId', 0x12 => 'FirstDayOfWeek', 0x13 => 'MeetingMessageType', // EAS 16.0 0x15 => 'IsDraft', 0x16 => 'Bcc', 0x17 => 'Send', ), /* Notes (14.0) */ 0x17 => array(0x5 => 'Subject', 0x6 => 'MessageClass', 0x7 => 'LastModifiedDate', 0x8 => 'Categories', 0x9 => 'Category'), /* Rights Management (14.1) */ // Included here to decode without errors. // Functionality not implemented. 0x18 => array(0x5 => 'RightsManagementSupport', 0x6 => 'RightsManagementTemplates', 0x7 => 'RightsManagementTemplate', 0x8 => 'RightsManagementLicense', 0x9 => 'EditAllowed', 0xa => 'ReplyAllowed', 0xb => 'ReplyAllAllowed', 0xc => 'ForwardAllowed', 0xd => 'ModifyRecipientsAllowed', 0xe => 'ExtractAllowed', 0xf => 'PrintAllowed', 0x10 => 'ExportAllowed', 0x11 => 'ProgrammaticAccessAllowed', 0x12 => 'Owner', 0x13 => 'ContentExpiryDate', 0x14 => 'TemplateID', 0x15 => 'TemplateName', 0x16 => 'TemplateDescription', 0x17 => 'ContentOwner', 0x18 => 'RemoveRightsManagementDistribution'), // Windows Live 0xfe => array(0x5 => 'Annotations', 0x6 => 'Annotation', 0x7 => 'Name', 0x8 => 'Value'), ), 'namespaces' => array( 1 => 'POOMCONTACTS', 2 => 'POOMMAIL', 4 => 'POOMCAL', 5 => 'Move', 6 => 'GetItemEstimate', 7 => 'FolderHierarchy', 8 => 'MeetingResponse', 9 => 'POOMTASKS', 0xa => 'ResolveRecipients', 0xb => 'ValidateCert', 0xc => 'POOMCONTACTS2', 0xd => 'Ping', 0xe => 'Provision', 0xf => 'Search', 0x10 => 'GAL', // EAS 12.0 0x11 => 'AirSyncBase', 0x12 => 'Settings', 0x13 => 'DocumentLibrary', 0x14 => 'ItemOperations', // EAS 14 0x15 => 'ComposeMail', 0x16 => 'POOMMAIL2', 0x17 => 'Notes', 0x18 => 'RightsManagement', // Hotmail/ WBXML extension. 0xfe => 'WindowsLive', ))


Flag to indicate we have a valid wbxml input stream

protected bool $_isWbxml


Cache the last successfully fetched start tag array. Used to be able to easily detected emtpy nodes after the element was already fetched.

protected array<string|int, mixed> $_lastStartElement



protected Horde_Log_Logger $_logger


Logging level.

protected mixed $_logLevel


Used to hold log entries for each tag so we can only output the log entries for the tags that are actually sent (@see $_stack).

protected array<string|int, mixed> $_logStack = array()


The current procid

protected int $_procid


protected mixed $_readHeader = \false


Input or Output stream

protected Horde_Stream $_stream


Track the codepage for the currently output tag so we know when to switch codepages.

protected int $_tagcp = 0


protected mixed $_ungetbuffer



public __construct(stream $stream[, mixed $log_level = self::LOG_PROTOCOL ]) : mixed
$stream : stream

The [input|output] stream.

$log_level : mixed = self::LOG_PROTOCOL
Return values


Unget the specified element from the stream. Places the element into the unget buffer.

public _ungetElement(array<string|int, mixed> $element) : void
$element : array<string|int, mixed>

The element array to unget.

Return values


Returns either start, content or end, and auto-concatenates successive content.

public getElement() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool

The element structure or false on failure.


Get the element contents

public getElementContent() : mixed
Return values

The content of the current element | false on failure.


Get the next tag, which is assumed to be an end tag.

public getElementEndTag() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool

The element array | false on failure.


Get the next tag, which is assumed to be a start tag.

public getElementStartTag(string $tag) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
$tag : string

The element that this should be a start tag for.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool

The start tag array | false on failure.


Return the full, raw, input stream. Used for things like SendMail request where we don't have wbxml to parse. The calling code is responsible for closing the stream.

public getFullInputStream() : resource
Return values


Returns the last element array fetched using getElementStartTag()

public getLastStartElement() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool

The element array, or false if none available.


public getStream() : mixed
Return values


Get the next [start | content | end] tag.

public getToken() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

The next, complete, token array.


Returns whether or not the passed in element array represents an empty tag.

public isEmptyElement(array<string|int, mixed> $el) : bool
$el : array<string|int, mixed>

The element array.

Return values

True if $el is an empty start tag, otherwise false.


Check that the input stream contains wbxml. Basically looks for a valid WBXML_VERSION header. self::readWbxmlHeader MUST have been called already.

public isWbxml() : bool
Return values


Peek at the next element in the stream.

public peek() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

The next element in the stream.


Start reading the wbxml stream, pulling off the initial header and populate the properties.

public readWbxmlHeader() : mixed
Return values


Set the logger instance

public setLogger(Horde_Log_Logger $logger) : mixed
$logger : Horde_Log_Logger

The logger.

Return values


Get the element attributes

protected _getAttributes() : mixed
Return values

The value of the element's attributes.


Fetch a single byte from the stream.

protected _getByte() : string
Return values

The single byte.


Get a dtd mapping

protected _getMapping(int $cp, int $id) : mixed
$cp : int

The codepage to use.

$id : int

The property.

Return values

The mapped value.


Get an MBU integer

protected _getMBUInt() : int
Return values


Get an opaque value from the stream of the specified length.

protected _getOpaque(int $len) : string
$len : int

The length of the data to fetch.

Return values

A string of bytes representing the opaque value.


Fetch the string table. Don't think we use the results anywhere though.

protected _getStringTable() : string
Return values

The string table.


Really don't know for sure what this method is supposed to do, it is called from numerous places in this class, but the original zpush code did not contain this, either it's completely broken, or normal use-cases do not reach the calling code. Either way, it needs to eventually be fixed.

protected _getStringTableEntry(int $id) : string
$id : int

The entry to return??

Return values


Return the temporary buffer stream.

protected _getTempStream() : stream
Return values


Get a null terminated string from the stream.

protected _getTermStr() : string
Return values

The string


Get the next start tag, content or end tag

protected _getToken() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

The element array.


Log the token.

protected _logToken(mixed $el) : void
$el : mixed
Return values


Read the Wbxml version header byte, and buffer the input incase we need the full stream later.

protected _readVersion() : mixed
Return values


Parses an attribute string

protected _splitAttribute(string $attr) : array<string|int, mixed>
$attr : string

The raw attribute value.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

The attribute hash

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