
Kronolith_Icalendar_Handler_Dav extends Kronolith_Icalendar_Handler_Base
in package

Wraps logic responsible for importing iCalendar data via DAV taking into account necessary steps to deal with recurrence series and exceptions.


Michael J Rubinsky

license GPL



Table of Contents

$_calendar  : string
The calendar id to be imported into.
$_dav  : Horde_Dav_Storage_Base
The DAV storage driver.
$_driver  : Kronolith_Driver
$_exceptions  : array<string|int, mixed>
$_existingEvent  : Kronolith_Event
Temporary cache of the existing copy of an event being replaced.
$_iCal  : Horde_Icalendar
The iCalendar data.
$_noItips  : array<string|int, mixed>
List of attendees that should not be sent iTip notifications.
$_oldAttendees  : Kronolith_Attendee_List
List of attendess that have been previously invited. Used to detect if attendees are removed and to send ITIP_CANCEL to these attendees.
$_params  : array<string|int, mixed>
$_storage  : Kronolith_Icalendar_Storage
The iCalendar storage driver.
__construct()  : mixed
process()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Perform the import.
_postSave()  : mixed
Responsible for any logic needed after each event is saved. Only called when base event (or an event with no recurrence) is saved. Exception events are not passed.
_preSave()  : bool
Responsible for any logic needed before the event is saved. Called for EVERY component in the iCalendar object. Returning false from this method will cause the current component to be ignored. Returning true causes it to be processed.
_process()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Process the iCalendar data.
_relevantEventChanges()  : bool
Is an event update worthy of an Itip update?



The calendar id to be imported into.

protected string $_calendar


The DAV storage driver.

protected Horde_Dav_Storage_Base $_dav


protected array<string|int, mixed> $_exceptions = array()


Temporary cache of the existing copy of an event being replaced.

protected Kronolith_Event $_existingEvent


The iCalendar data.

protected Horde_Icalendar $_iCal


List of attendees that should not be sent iTip notifications.

protected array<string|int, mixed> $_noItips = array()


List of attendess that have been previously invited. Used to detect if attendees are removed and to send ITIP_CANCEL to these attendees.

protected Kronolith_Attendee_List $_oldAttendees


protected array<string|int, mixed> $_params



public __construct(Horde_Icalendar $iCal, Kronolith_Driver $driver, Kronolith_Icalendar_Storage $storage[, array<string|int, mixed> $params = [] ]) : mixed
$iCal : Horde_Icalendar

The iCalendar data.

$driver : Kronolith_Driver

The Kronolith driver.

$storage : Kronolith_Icalendar_Storage

The raw Icalendar Storage driver.

$params : array<string|int, mixed> = []

Any additional parameters needed for the importer. For this driver we require: 'object' - contains the DAV identifier for the (base) event.

Return values


Perform the import.

public process() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

A hash of UID => id.


Responsible for any logic needed after each event is saved. Only called when base event (or an event with no recurrence) is saved. Exception events are not passed.

protected _postSave(Kronolith_Event $event) : mixed
$event : Kronolith_Event

The event object.

Return values


Responsible for any logic needed before the event is saved. Called for EVERY component in the iCalendar object. Returning false from this method will cause the current component to be ignored. Returning true causes it to be processed.

protected _preSave(Horde_Icalendar $component) : bool
$component : Horde_Icalendar

The iCalendar component.

Return values

True to continue processing, false to ignore.


Process the iCalendar data.

protected _process() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

A hash of UID => id.


Is an event update worthy of an Itip update?

protected _relevantEventChanges(Kronolith_Event $event[, Kronolith_Event $existing = null ]) : bool

TODO: Factor out to separate class Prevent update itip spam for minor changes Relevant:

  • change of attendee list or resources
  • title
  • description
  • location
  • recurrences and exceptions
  • url
  • private flag changes
  • timezone
  • start & end time


  • noop updates
  • alerts & snoozes
  • X- attributes
  • tags
  • status
  • everything else
$event : Kronolith_Event
$existing : Kronolith_Event = null
Return values

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