extends Horde_View_Helper_Base
in package
View helpers for URLs
Table of Contents
- $_view : Horde_View
- The parent view invoking the helper.
- __call() : mixed
- Call chaining so members of the view can be called (including other helpers).
- __construct() : mixed
- Creates a helper for $view.
- __get() : mixed
- Proxy on undefined property access (get).
- __set() : mixed
- Proxy on undefined property access (set).
- isCurrentPage() : mixed
- True if the current request URI was generated by the given +options+.
- linkTo() : mixed
- Creates a link tag of the given +name+ using a URL created by the set of +options+. See the valid options in the documentation for url_for. It's also possible to pass a string instead of an options hash to get a link tag that uses the value of the string as the href for the link, or use +:back+ to link to the referrer - a JavaScript back link will be used in place of a referrer if none exists. If nil is passed as a name, the link itself will become the name.
- linkToIf() : mixed
- Creates a link tag of the given +name+ using a URL created by the set of +options+ if +condition+ is true, in which case only the name is returned. To specialize the default behavior, you can pass a block that accepts the name or the full argument list for link_to_unless (see the examples in link_to_unless).
- linkToUnless() : mixed
- Creates a link tag of the given +name+ using a URL created by the set of +options+ unless +condition+ is true, in which case only the name is returned. To specialize the default behavior (i.e., show a login link rather than just the plaintext link text), you can pass a block that accepts the name or the full argument list for link_to_unless.
- linkToUnlessCurrent() : mixed
- Creates a link tag of the given +name+ using a URL created by the set of +options+ unless the current request URI is the same as the links, in which case only the name is returned (or the given block is yielded, if one exists). You can give link_to_unless_current a block which will specialize the default behavior (e.g., show a "Start Here" link rather than the link's text).
- mailTo() : mixed
- Creates a mailto link tag to the specified +email_address+, which is also used as the name of the link unless +name+ is specified. Additional HTML attributes for the link can be passed in +html_options+.
- urlFor() : string
- Returns the URL for the set of +options+ provided. This takes the same options as url_for in ActionController (see the documentation for ActionController::Base#url_for). Note that by default <tt>:only_path</tt> is <tt>true</tt> so you'll get the relative /controller/action instead of the fully qualified URL like http://example.com/controller/action.
The parent view invoking the helper.
Call chaining so members of the view can be called (including other helpers).
__call(string $method, array<string|int, mixed> $args) : mixed
- $method : string
The method.
- $args : array<string|int, mixed>
The parameters for the method.
Return values
mixed —The result of the method.
Creates a helper for $view.
__construct(Horde_View $view) : mixed
- $view : Horde_View
The view to help.
Return values
mixed —__get()
Proxy on undefined property access (get).
__get(mixed $name) : mixed
- $name : mixed
Return values
mixed —__set()
Proxy on undefined property access (set).
__set(mixed $name, mixed $value) : mixed
- $name : mixed
- $value : mixed
Return values
mixed —isCurrentPage()
True if the current request URI was generated by the given +options+.
isCurrentPage(mixed $options) : mixed
==== Examples Let's say we're in the /shop/checkout action.
current_page?(:action => 'process')
=> false
current_page?(:controller => 'shop', :action => 'checkout')
=> true
current_page?(:action => 'checkout')
=> true
current_page?(:controller => 'library', :action => 'checkout')
=> false
- $options : mixed
Return values
mixed —linkTo()
Creates a link tag of the given +name+ using a URL created by the set of +options+. See the valid options in the documentation for url_for. It's also possible to pass a string instead of an options hash to get a link tag that uses the value of the string as the href for the link, or use +:back+ to link to the referrer - a JavaScript back link will be used in place of a referrer if none exists. If nil is passed as a name, the link itself will become the name.
linkTo(mixed $name[, mixed $options = array() ][, mixed $htmlOptions = array() ]) : mixed
==== Options
- :confirm => 'question?' -- This will add a JavaScript confirm prompt with the question specified. If the user accepts, the link is processed normally, otherwise no action is taken.
- :popup => true || array of window options -- This will force the link to open in a popup window. By passing true, a default browser window will be opened with the URL. You can also specify an array of options that are passed-thru to JavaScripts window.open method.
- :method => symbol of HTTP verb -- This modifier will dynamically create an HTML form and immediately submit the form for processing using the HTTP verb specified. Useful for having links perform a POST operation in dangerous actions like deleting a record (which search bots can follow while spidering your site). Supported verbs are :post, :delete and :put. Note that if the user has JavaScript disabled, the request will fall back to using GET. If you are relying on the POST behavior, you should check for it in your controller's action by using the request object's methods for post?, delete? or put?.
- The +html_options+ will accept a hash of html attributes for the link tag.
Note that if the user has JavaScript disabled, the request will fall back to using GET. If :href=>'#' is used and the user has JavaScript disabled clicking the link will have no effect. If you are relying on the POST behavior, your should check for it in your controller's action by using the request object's methods for post?, delete? or put?.
You can mix and match the +html_options+ with the exception of :popup and :method which will raise an ActionView::ActionViewError exception.
==== Examples link_to "Visit Other Site", "http://www.rubyonrails.org/", :confirm => "Are you sure?"
=> Visit Other Site
link_to "Help", { :action => "help" }, :popup => true
=> Help
link_to "View Image", { :action => "view" }, :popup => ['new_window_name', 'height=300,width=600']
=> View Image
link_to "Delete Image", { :action => "delete", :id => @image.id }, :confirm => "Are you sure?", :method => :delete
=> <a href="/testing/delete/9/" onclick="if (confirm('Are you sure?')) { var f = document.createElement('form');
f.style.display = 'none'; this.parentNode.appendChild(f); f.method = 'POST'; f.action = this.href;
var m = document.createElement('input'); m.setAttribute('type', 'hidden'); m.setAttribute('name', '_method');
m.setAttribute('value', 'delete'); f.appendChild(m);f.submit(); };return false;">Delete Image</a>
- $name : mixed
- $options : mixed = array()
- $htmlOptions : mixed = array()
Return values
mixed —linkToIf()
Creates a link tag of the given +name+ using a URL created by the set of +options+ if +condition+ is true, in which case only the name is returned. To specialize the default behavior, you can pass a block that accepts the name or the full argument list for link_to_unless (see the examples in link_to_unless).
linkToIf(mixed $condition, mixed $name, mixed $url[, mixed $htmlOptions = array() ]) : mixed
==== Examples <%= link_to_if(@current_user.nil?, "Login", { :controller => "sessions", :action => "new" }) %>
If the user isn't logged in...
=> Login
<%= link_to_if(@current_user.nil?, "Login", { :controller => "sessions", :action => "new" }) do link_to(@current_user.login, { :controller => "accounts", :action => "show", :id => @current_user }) end %>
If the user isn't logged in...
=> Login
If they are logged in...
=> my_username
- $condition : mixed
- $name : mixed
- $url : mixed
- $htmlOptions : mixed = array()
Return values
mixed —linkToUnless()
Creates a link tag of the given +name+ using a URL created by the set of +options+ unless +condition+ is true, in which case only the name is returned. To specialize the default behavior (i.e., show a login link rather than just the plaintext link text), you can pass a block that accepts the name or the full argument list for link_to_unless.
linkToUnless(mixed $condition, mixed $name, mixed $url[, mixed $htmlOptions = array() ]) : mixed
==== Examples <%= link_to_unless(@current_user.nil?, "Reply", { :action => "reply" }) %>
If the user is logged in...
=> Reply
<%= link_to_unless(@current_user.nil?, "Reply", { :action => "reply" }) do |name| link_to(name, { :controller => "accounts", :action => "signup" }) end %>
If the user is logged in...
=> Reply
If not...
=> Reply
- $condition : mixed
- $name : mixed
- $url : mixed
- $htmlOptions : mixed = array()
Return values
mixed —linkToUnlessCurrent()
Creates a link tag of the given +name+ using a URL created by the set of +options+ unless the current request URI is the same as the links, in which case only the name is returned (or the given block is yielded, if one exists). You can give link_to_unless_current a block which will specialize the default behavior (e.g., show a "Start Here" link rather than the link's text).
linkToUnlessCurrent(mixed $name, mixed $url[, mixed $htmlOptions = array() ]) : mixed
==== Examples Let's say you have a navigation menu...
If in the "about" action, it will render...
...but if in the "home" action, it will render:
The implicit block given to link_to_unless_current is evaluated if the current action is the action given. So, if we had a comments page and wanted to render a "Go Back" link instead of a link to the comments page, we could do something like this...
<%= link_to_unless_current("Comment", { :controller => 'comments', :action => 'new}) do link_to("Go back", { :controller => 'posts', :action => 'index' }) end %>
- $name : mixed
- $url : mixed
- $htmlOptions : mixed = array()
Return values
mixed —mailTo()
Creates a mailto link tag to the specified +email_address+, which is also used as the name of the link unless +name+ is specified. Additional HTML attributes for the link can be passed in +html_options+.
mailTo(mixed $emailAddress[, mixed $name = null ][, mixed $htmlOptions = array() ]) : mixed
mail_to has several methods for hindering email harvestors and customizing the email itself by passing special keys to +html_options+.
==== Options
- encode - This key will accept the strings "javascript" or "hex". Passing "javascript" will dynamically create and encode the mailto: link then eval it into the DOM of the page. This method will not show the link on the page if the user has JavaScript disabled. Passing "hex" will hex encode the +email_address+ before outputting the mailto: link.
- replace_at - When the link +name+ isn't provided, the +email_address+ is used for the link label. You can use this option to obfuscate the +email_address+ by substituting the @ sign with the string given as the value.
- replace_dot - When the link +name+ isn't provided, the +email_address+ is used for the link label. You can use this option to obfuscate the +email_address+ by substituting the . in the email with the string given as the value.
- subject - Preset the subject line of the email.
- body - Preset the body of the email.
- cc - Carbon Copy addition recipients on the email.
- bcc - Blind Carbon Copy additional recipients on the email.
==== Examples mailTo("me@domain.com")
=> me@domain.com
mailTo("me@domain.com", "My email", array('encode' => "javascript"))
=> <script type="text/javascript">eval(unescape('%64%6f%63...%6d%65%6e'))</script>
mailTo("me@domain.com", "My email", array('encode' => "hex"))
=> My email
mailTo("me@domain.com", null, array('replaceAt' => "at", 'replaceDot' => "dot", 'class' => "email"))
=> me_at_domain_dot_com
mailTo("me@domain.com", "My email", array('cc' => "ccaddress@domain.com", 'subject' => "This is an example email"))
=> My email
- $emailAddress : mixed
- $name : mixed = null
- $htmlOptions : mixed = array()
Return values
mixed —urlFor()
Returns the URL for the set of +options+ provided. This takes the same options as url_for in ActionController (see the documentation for ActionController::Base#url_for). Note that by default <tt>:only_path</tt> is <tt>true</tt> so you'll get the relative /controller/action instead of the fully qualified URL like http://example.com/controller/action.
urlFor([mixed $first = array() ][, mixed $second = array() ]) : string
When called from a view, url_for returns an HTML escaped url. If you need an unescaped url, pass :escape => false in the +options+.
==== Options
- :anchor -- specifies the anchor name to be appended to the path.
- :only_path -- if true, returns the relative URL (omitting the protocol, host name, and port) (true by default unless :host is specified)
- :trailing_slash -- if true, adds a trailing slash, as in "/archive/2005/". Note that this is currently not recommended since it breaks caching.
- :host -- overrides the default (current) host if provided
- :protocol -- overrides the default (current) protocol if provided
- :user -- Inline HTTP authentication (only plucked out if :password is also present)
- :password -- Inline HTTP authentication (only plucked out if :user is also present)
- :escape -- Determines whether the returned URL will be HTML escaped or not (true by default)
==== Relying on named routes
If you instead of a hash pass a record (like an Active Record or Active Resource) as the options parameter, you'll trigger the named route for that record. The lookup will happen on the name of the class. So passing a Workshop object will attempt to use the workshop_path route. If you have a nested route, such as admin_workshop_path you'll have to call that explicitly (it's impossible for url_for to guess that route).
==== Examples <%= url_for(:action => 'index') %>
=> /blog/
<%= url_for(:action => 'find', :controller => 'books') %>
=> /books/find
<%= url_for(:action => 'login', :controller => 'members', :only_path => false, :protocol => 'https') %>
=> https://www.railsapplication.com/members/login/
<%= url_for(:action => 'play', :anchor => 'player') %>
=> /messages/play/#player
<%= url_for(:action => 'checkout', :anchor => 'tax&ship') %>
=> /testing/jump/#tax&ship
<%= url_for(:action => 'checkout', :anchor => 'tax&ship', :escape => false) %>
=> /testing/jump/#tax&ship
<%= url_for(Workshop.new) %>
relies on Workshop answering a new_record? call (and in this case returning true)
=> /workshops
<%= url_for(@workshop) %>
calls @workshop.to_s
=> /workshops/5
- $first : mixed = array()
- $second : mixed = array()