
in package

Table of Contents

$_lowers  : array<string|int, mixed>
lower() cache.
$_uppers  : array<string|int, mixed>
upper() cache.
abbreviate()  : string
Return an abbreviated string, with characters in the middle of the excessively long string replaced by '...'.
common()  : string
Returns the common leading part of two strings.
convertCharset()  : mixed
Converts a string from one charset to another.
ipos()  : int
Returns the numeric position of the first case-insensitive occurrence of $needle in the $haystack string.
isAlpha()  : bool
Returns true if the every character in the parameter is an alphabetic character.
isLower()  : bool
Returns true if ever character in the parameter is a lowercase letter in the current locale.
isUpper()  : bool
Returns true if every character in the parameter is an uppercase letter in the current locale.
length()  : int
Returns the character (not byte) length of a string.
lower()  : string
Makes a string lowercase.
pad()  : string
Returns a string padded to a certain length with another string.
pos()  : int
Returns the numeric position of the first occurrence of $needle in the $haystack string.
regexMatch()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Performs a multibyte safe regex match search on the text provided.
ripos()  : int
Returns the numeric position of the last case-insensitive occurrence of $needle in the $haystack string.
rpos()  : int
Returns the numeric position of the last occurrence of $needle in the $haystack string.
substr()  : string
Returns part of a string.
trimUtf8Bom()  : string
Strip UTF-8 byte order mark (BOM) from string data.
truncate()  : string
Return a truncated string, suitable for notifications.
ucfirst()  : string
Returns a string with the first letter capitalized if it is alphabetic.
ucwords()  : string
Returns a string with the first letter of each word capitalized if it is alphabetic.
upper()  : string
Makes a string uppercase.
validUtf8()  : bool
Check to see if a string is valid UTF-8.
wordwrap()  : string
Wraps the text of a message.
wrap()  : string
Wraps the text of a message.
_convertCharset()  : string
Internal function used to do charset conversion.
_mbstringCharset()  : string
Workaround charsets that don't work with mbstring functions.
_pos()  : int
Perform string position searches.



lower() cache.

protected static array<string|int, mixed> $_lowers = array()


upper() cache.

protected static array<string|int, mixed> $_uppers = array()



Return an abbreviated string, with characters in the middle of the excessively long string replaced by '...'.

public static abbreviate(string $text[, int $length = 20 ]) : string
$text : string

The original string.

$length : int = 20

The length at which to abbreviate.

Return values

The abbreviated string, if longer than $length.


Returns the common leading part of two strings.

public static common(string $str1, string $str2) : string
$str1 : string

A string.

$str2 : string

Another string.

Return values

The start of $str1 and $str2 that is identical in both.


Converts a string from one charset to another.

public static convertCharset(mixed $input, string $from, string $to[, bool $force = false ]) : mixed

Uses the iconv or the mbstring extensions. The original string is returned if conversion failed or none of the extensions were available.

$input : mixed

The data to be converted. If $input is an an array, the array's values get converted recursively.

$from : string

The string's current charset.

$to : string

The charset to convert the string to.

$force : bool = false

Force conversion?

Return values

The converted input data.


Returns the numeric position of the first case-insensitive occurrence of $needle in the $haystack string.

public static ipos(string $haystack, string $needle, int $offset[, string $charset = 'UTF-8' ]) : int
$haystack : string

The string to search through.

$needle : string

The string to search for.

$offset : int

Character in $haystack to start searching at.

$charset : string = 'UTF-8'

Charset of $needle.

Return values

The position of first case-insensitive occurrence.


Returns true if the every character in the parameter is an alphabetic character.

public static isAlpha(string $string, string $charset) : bool
$string : string

The string to test.

$charset : string

The charset to use when testing the string.

Return values

True if the parameter was alphabetic only.


Returns true if ever character in the parameter is a lowercase letter in the current locale.

public static isLower(string $string, string $charset) : bool
$string : string

The string to test.

$charset : string

The charset to use when testing the string.

Return values

True if the parameter was lowercase.


Returns true if every character in the parameter is an uppercase letter in the current locale.

public static isUpper(string $string, string $charset) : bool
$string : string

The string to test.

$charset : string

The charset to use when testing the string.

Return values

True if the parameter was uppercase.


Returns the character (not byte) length of a string.

public static length(string $string[, string $charset = 'UTF-8' ]) : int
$string : string

The string to return the length of.

$charset : string = 'UTF-8'

The charset to use when calculating the string's length.

Return values

The string's length.


Makes a string lowercase.

public static lower(string $string[, bool $locale = false ][, string $charset = null ]) : string
$string : string

The string to be converted.

$locale : bool = false

If true the string will be converted based on a given charset, locale independent else.

$charset : string = null

If $locale is true, the charset to use when converting.

Return values

The string with lowercase characters.


Returns a string padded to a certain length with another string.

public static pad(string $input, int $length[, string $pad = ' ' ][, const $type = STR_PAD_RIGHT ][, string $charset = 'UTF-8' ]) : string

This method behaves exactly like str_pad() but is multibyte safe.

$input : string

The string to be padded.

$length : int

The length of the resulting string.

$pad : string = ' '

The string to pad the input string with. Must be in the same charset like the input string.

$type : const = STR_PAD_RIGHT

The padding type. One of STR_PAD_LEFT, STR_PAD_RIGHT, or STR_PAD_BOTH.

$charset : string = 'UTF-8'

The charset of the input and the padding strings.

Return values

The padded string.


Returns the numeric position of the first occurrence of $needle in the $haystack string.

public static pos(string $haystack, string $needle, int $offset[, string $charset = 'UTF-8' ]) : int
$haystack : string

The string to search through.

$needle : string

The string to search for.

$offset : int

Character in $haystack to start searching at.

$charset : string = 'UTF-8'

Charset of $needle.

Return values

The position of first occurrence.


Performs a multibyte safe regex match search on the text provided.

public static regexMatch(string $text, array<string|int, mixed> $regex[, string $charset = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$text : string

The text to search.

$regex : array<string|int, mixed>

The regular expressions to use, without perl regex delimiters (e.g. '/' or '|').

$charset : string = null

The character set of the text.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

The matches array from the first regex that matches.


Returns the numeric position of the last case-insensitive occurrence of $needle in the $haystack string.

public static ripos(string $haystack, string $needle, int $offset[, string $charset = 'UTF-8' ]) : int
$haystack : string

The string to search through.

$needle : string

The string to search for.

$offset : int

Character in $haystack to start searching at.

$charset : string = 'UTF-8'

Charset of $needle.

Return values

The position of last case-insensitive occurrence.


Returns the numeric position of the last occurrence of $needle in the $haystack string.

public static rpos(string $haystack, string $needle, int $offset[, string $charset = 'UTF-8' ]) : int
$haystack : string

The string to search through.

$needle : string

The string to search for.

$offset : int

Character in $haystack to start searching at.

$charset : string = 'UTF-8'

Charset of $needle.

Return values

The position of last occurrence.


Returns part of a string.

public static substr(string $string, int $start[, int $length = null ][, string $charset = 'UTF-8' ]) : string
$string : string

The string to be converted.

$start : int

The part's start position, zero based.

$length : int = null

The part's length.

$charset : string = 'UTF-8'

The charset to use when calculating the part's position and length, defaults to current charset.

Return values

The string's part.


Strip UTF-8 byte order mark (BOM) from string data.

public static trimUtf8Bom(string $str) : string
$str : string

Input string (UTF-8).

Return values

Stripped string (UTF-8).


Return a truncated string, suitable for notifications.

public static truncate(string $text[, int $length = 100 ]) : string
$text : string

The original string.

$length : int = 100

The maximum length.

Return values

The truncated string, if longer than $length.


Returns a string with the first letter capitalized if it is alphabetic.

public static ucfirst(string $string[, bool $locale = false ][, string $charset = null ]) : string
$string : string

The string to be capitalized.

$locale : bool = false

If true the string will be converted based on a given charset, locale independent else.

$charset : string = null

The charset to use, defaults to current charset.

Return values

The capitalized string.


Returns a string with the first letter of each word capitalized if it is alphabetic.

public static ucwords(string $string[, bool $locale = false ][, string $charset = null ]) : string

Sentences are splitted into words at whitestrings.

$string : string

The string to be capitalized.

$locale : bool = false

If true the string will be converted based on a given charset, locale independent else.

$charset : string = null

The charset to use, defaults to current charset.

Return values

The capitalized string.


Makes a string uppercase.

public static upper(string $string[, bool $locale = false ][, string $charset = null ]) : string
$string : string

The string to be converted.

$locale : bool = false

If true the string will be converted based on a given charset, locale independent else.

$charset : string = null

If $locale is true, the charset to use when converting. If not provided the current charset.

Return values

The string with uppercase characters.


Check to see if a string is valid UTF-8.

public static validUtf8(string $text) : bool
$text : string

The text to check.

Return values

True if valid UTF-8.


Wraps the text of a message.

public static wordwrap(string $string[, int $width = 75 ][, string $break = " " ][, bool $cut = false ][, bool $line_folding = false ]) : string
$string : string

String containing the text to wrap.

$width : int = 75

Wrap the string at this number of characters.

$break : string = " "

Character(s) to use when breaking lines.

$cut : bool = false

Whether to cut inside words if a line can't be wrapped.

$line_folding : bool = false

Whether to apply line folding rules per RFC 822 or similar. The correct break characters including leading whitespace have to be specified too.

Return values

String containing the wrapped text.


Wraps the text of a message.

public static wrap(string $text[, int $length = 80 ][, string $break_char = " " ][, bool $quote = false ]) : string
$text : string

String containing the text to wrap.

$length : int = 80

Wrap $text at this number of characters.

$break_char : string = " "

Character(s) to use when breaking lines.

$quote : bool = false

Ignore lines that are wrapped with the '>' character (RFC 2646)? If true, we don't remove any padding whitespace at the end of the string.

Return values

String containing the wrapped text.


Internal function used to do charset conversion.

protected static _convertCharset(string $input, string $from, string $to) : string
$input : string

See self::convertCharset().

$from : string

See self::convertCharset().

$to : string

See self::convertCharset().

Return values

The converted string.


Workaround charsets that don't work with mbstring functions.

protected static _mbstringCharset(string $charset) : string
$charset : string

The original charset.

Return values

The charset to use with mbstring functions.


Perform string position searches.

protected static _pos(string $haystack, string $needle, int $offset, string $charset, string $func) : int
$haystack : string

The string to search through.

$needle : string

The string to search for.

$offset : int

Character in $haystack to start searching at.

$charset : string

Charset of $needle.

$func : string

Function to use.

Return values

The position of occurrence.

Search results