
in package

The Horde_SyncMl_Property class is used to define a single property of a data item supported by the device.

The allowed contents of a property can be defined by an enumeration of valid values (ValEnum) or by a DataType/Size combination, or not at all.

Copyright 2005-2017 Horde LLC (

See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you did not receive this file, see


Karsten Fourmont


Jan Schneider

Table of Contents

$DataType  : string
The datatype of the content type property, e.g. 'chr', 'int', 'bool', etc.
$DisplayName  : string
The display name of the content type property.
$Params  : array<string|int, mixed>
The supported parameters of the content type property.
$Size  : int
The size of the content type property in bytes.
$ValEnum  : array<string|int, mixed>
The supported enumerated values of the content type property.



The datatype of the content type property, e.g. 'chr', 'int', 'bool', etc.

public string $DataType


The display name of the content type property.

public string $DisplayName


The supported parameters of the content type property.

public array<string|int, mixed> $Params

The parameter name (, e.g. 'WORK' for the text/x-vcard 'TEL' property) are the keys, Horde_SyncMl_PropertyParameter objects are the values.


The size of the content type property in bytes.

public int $Size


The supported enumerated values of the content type property.

public array<string|int, mixed> $ValEnum

The supported values stored in the keys of the hash, e.g. 'PUBLIC' and 'PRIVATE' for a text/calendar 'CLASS' property.

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