
in package

The Horde_SyncMl_Device:: class provides functionality that is potentially (client) device dependant.

If a sync client needs any kind of special conversion of the data sent to it or received from it, this is done here. There are two sources of information to identify an device: The first (and better) one is the DevInf device info sent by the device during a request. If DevInf is not supported or sent by the client, the Source/LocURI of the device request might be sufficent to identify it.

Copyright 2005-2017 Horde LLC (

See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you did not receive this file, see


Karsten Fourmont

Table of Contents

$requestedContentType  : string
The original preferred content type of the client, if provided through DevInf.
convertClient2Server()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Converts the content received from the client for the backend.
convertServer2Client()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Converts the content from the backend to a format suitable for the client device.
factory()  : Horde_SyncMl_Device
Attempts to return a concrete Horde_SyncMl_Device instance based on $driver.
getPreferredContentType()  : string
Returns the guessed content type for a database URI.
getPreferredContentTypeClient()  : mixed
Returns the preferrred MIME content type of the client for the given sync data type (contacts/tasks/notes/calendar).
handleTasksInCalendar()  : bool
Returns whether the device handles tasks and events in a single "calendar" sync.
omitIndividualSyncStatus()  : bool
Returns whether to send individual status response for each Add, Delete and Replace.
useCdataTag()  : bool
Returns whether the payload data should be enclosed in a [CDATA[ section when sending via XML.
useLocalTime()  : bool
Returns whether the device accepts datetimes only in local time format (DTSTART:20061222T130000) instead of the more robust UTC time (DTSTART:20061222T110000Z).
_convertUTC2LocalTime()  : string
Converts an UTC timestamp like "20061222T110000Z" into a local timestamp like "20061222T130000" using the server timezone.



The original preferred content type of the client, if provided through DevInf.

public string $requestedContentType



Converts the content received from the client for the backend.

public convertClient2Server(string $content, string $contentType) : array<string|int, mixed>

Currently strips UID (primary key) information as client and server might use different ones.

Charset conversions might be added here too.

$content : string

The content to convert.

$contentType : string

The content type of the content.


remove UID stripping or move it anywhere else.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Two-element array with the converted content and the (possibly changed) new content type.


Converts the content from the backend to a format suitable for the client device.

public convertServer2Client(string $content, string $contentType, string $database) : array<string|int, mixed>

Strips the UID (primary key) information as client and server might use different ones.

Charset conversions might be added here too.

$content : string

The content to convert

$contentType : string

The content type of content as returned from the backend

$database : string

The server database URI.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Three-element array with the converted content, the (possibly changed) new content type, and encoding type (like b64 as used by Funambol).


Attempts to return a concrete Horde_SyncMl_Device instance based on $driver.

public factory(string $driver) : Horde_SyncMl_Device
$driver : string

The type of concrete Horde_SyncMl_Device subclass to return.

Return values

The newly created concrete Horde_SyncMl_Device instance, or false on error.


Returns the guessed content type for a database URI.

public getPreferredContentType(string $database) : string

When a client sends data during a sync but does not provide information about the MIME content type with this individual item, this function returns the content type the item is supposed to be in.

$database : string

A database URI.

Return values

A MIME type that might match the database URI.


Returns the preferrred MIME content type of the client for the given sync data type (contacts/tasks/notes/calendar).

public getPreferredContentTypeClient(string $serverSyncURI, string $sourceSyncURI) : mixed

The result is passed as an option to the backend export functions. This is not the content type ultimately passed to the client but rather the content type presented to the backend export functions.

After the data is retrieved from the backend, convertServer2Client() can do some post-processing and set the correct content type acceptable for the client if necessary.

The default implementation tries to extract the content type from the device info. If this does not work, some defaults are used.

If the client does not provice proper DevInf data, this public function may have to be overwritten to return the correct values.

$serverSyncURI : string

The URI for the server database: contacts, notes, calendar or tasks.

$sourceSyncURI : string

The URI for the client database. This is needed as the DevInf is grouped by sourceSyncURIs.

Return values


Returns whether the device handles tasks and events in a single "calendar" sync.

public handleTasksInCalendar() : bool

This requires special actions on our side as we store this in different backend databases.

Return values

True if tasks and events are processed in a single request.


Returns whether to send individual status response for each Add, Delete and Replace.

public omitIndividualSyncStatus() : bool
Return values

False if individual status responses should be send.


Returns whether the payload data should be enclosed in a [CDATA[ section when sending via XML.

public useCdataTag() : bool

The synchronized data may contain XML special characters like &, < or >. Clients might choke when sending these embedded in XML. The data should be enclosed in [CDATA[ in these cases. This applies only to XML, not to WBXML devices.

Return values

True if the data should be enclosed in [CDATA[.


Returns whether the device accepts datetimes only in local time format (DTSTART:20061222T130000) instead of the more robust UTC time (DTSTART:20061222T110000Z).

public useLocalTime() : bool
Return values

True if the client doesn't accept UTC datetimes.


Converts an UTC timestamp like "20061222T110000Z" into a local timestamp like "20061222T130000" using the server timezone.

protected _convertUTC2LocalTime(array<string|int, mixed> $utc) : string
$utc : array<string|int, mixed>

Array with a datetime string in UTC.

Return values

The datetime string converted to the local timezone.

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