
in package

The Horde_SyncMl_DataStore class describes one of the possible datastores (i.e. databases) of the device.

Most important attributes are the preferred MIME Types for sending and receiving data for this datastore: $Tx_Pref and $Rx_Pref.

Copyright 2005-2017 Horde LLC (

See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you did not receive this file, see


Karsten Fourmont


Jan Schneider

Table of Contents

$DisplayName  : string
The display name of the datastore
$DSMem  : mixed
The maximum memory and item identifier for the datastore.
$MaxGUIDSize  : int
The maximum size of a global unique identifier for the datastore in bytes.
$Rx  : array<string|int, mixed>
The supported types and versions of a content type received by the device.
$Rx_Pref  : array<string|int, mixed>
The preferred types and versions of a content type received by the device.
$SourceRef  : string
The local URI of the datastore.
$SyncCap  : array<string|int, mixed>
The synchronization capabilities of the datastore.
$Tx  : array<string|int, mixed>
The supported types and versions of a content type transmitted by the device.
$Tx_Pref  : array<string|int, mixed>
The preferred types and versions of a content type transmitted by the device.
getPreferredRXContentType()  : string
Returns the preferred content type the client wants to receive.
getPreferredRXContentTypeVersion()  : string
Returns the version of the preferred content type the client wants to receive.



The display name of the datastore

public string $DisplayName


The maximum memory and item identifier for the datastore.

public mixed $DSMem

Not implemented yet.


The maximum size of a global unique identifier for the datastore in bytes.

public int $MaxGUIDSize


The supported types and versions of a content type received by the device.

public array<string|int, mixed> $Rx = array()

The content types (CTType) are the keys, the versions (VerCT) are the values.


The preferred types and versions of a content type received by the device.

public array<string|int, mixed> $Rx_Pref = array()

The content types (CTType) are the keys, the versions (VerCT) are the values.


The local URI of the datastore.

public string $SourceRef


The synchronization capabilities of the datastore.

public array<string|int, mixed> $SyncCap = array()

The synchronization types (SyncType) are stored in the keys of the hash.


The supported types and versions of a content type transmitted by the device.

public array<string|int, mixed> $Tx = array()

The content types (CTType) are the keys, the versions (VerCT) are the values.


The preferred types and versions of a content type transmitted by the device.

public array<string|int, mixed> $Tx_Pref = array()

The content types (CTType) are the keys, the versions (VerCT) are the values.



Returns the preferred content type the client wants to receive.

public getPreferredRXContentType() : string
Return values

The device's preferred content type or null if not specified (which is not allowed).


Returns the version of the preferred content type the client wants to receive.

public getPreferredRXContentTypeVersion() : string
Return values

The device's preferred content type version or null if not specified (which is not allowed).

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