
Horde_SyncMl_Command_Put extends Horde_SyncMl_Command
in package

The Horde_SyncMl_Command_Put class provides a SyncML implementation of the Put command as defined in SyncML Representation Protocol, version 1.1, section 5.5.10.

The Put command is used to transfer data items to a recipient network device or database. The Horde_SyncMl_Command_Put class handles DevInf device information sent by the client.

The data is stored in a Horde_SyncMl_DeviceInfo object which is defined in Device.php and then stored in Horde_SyncMl_Device as an attribute.

Copyright 2005-2017 Horde LLC (

See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you did not receive this file, see


Karsten Fourmont


Jan Schneider

Table of Contents

$_chars  : string
Buffer for the parsed character data.
$_cmdID  : int
The command ID (<CmdID>).
$_cmdName  : string
Name of the command.
$_currentCTType  : string
The MIME content type as specified by the last <CTType> element like text/calendar or text/x-vcard.
$_currentDS  : Horde_SyncMl_DataStore
A Horde_SyncMl_DataStore object where the information from the currently parsed <DataStore> section is saved.
$_currentParamName  : string
A property name of the currently parsed property name (PropName), like 'ROLE' for 'ATTENDEE' or 'HOME' for 'ADR'.
$_currentPropName  : string
A property name of the currently parsed content type (CTType), like 'DTSTART' for text/calendar or 'BDAY' for text/x-vcard.
$_currentXNam  : string
The name of the currently parsed DevInf extension (<Ext>) as specified by the XNam element.
$_devinf  : Horde_SyncMl_DeviceInfo
The Horde_SyncMl_DeviceInfo object where all parsed <DevInf> content is saved.
$_outputHandler  : Horde_SyncMl_XmlOutput
A Horde_SyncMl_XmlOutput instance responsible for generating the output.
$_stack  : array<string|int, mixed>
Stack for holding the XML elements during creation of the object from the XML event flow.
$_VerCT  : string
The version of the MIME content type in $_currentCTType as specified by the last <VerCT> element like 1.0 for text/x-vcalendar or 2.1 for text/x-vcard.
__construct()  : mixed
characters()  : mixed
Character data handler for the XML parser, delegated from Horde_SyncMl_ContentHandler::characters().
endElement()  : mixed
End element handler for the XML parser, delegated from Horde_SyncMl_ContentHandler::endElement().
factory()  : Horde_SyncMl_Command
Attempts to return a concrete Horde_SyncMl_Command instance based on $command.
getCommandName()  : string
Returns the command name this instance is reponsible for.
handleCommand()  : mixed
Implements the actual business logic of the Alert command.
startElement()  : mixed
Start element handler for the XML parser, delegated from Horde_SyncMl_ContentHandler::startElement().



Buffer for the parsed character data.

protected string $_chars = ''


The command ID (<CmdID>).

protected int $_cmdID


Name of the command.

protected string $_cmdName = 'Put'


The MIME content type as specified by the last <CTType> element like text/calendar or text/x-vcard.

protected string $_currentCTType

specifies the type of a supported content type.


A Horde_SyncMl_DataStore object where the information from the currently parsed <DataStore> section is saved.

protected Horde_SyncMl_DataStore $_currentDS

specifies the properties of a given local datastore.


A property name of the currently parsed property name (PropName), like 'ROLE' for 'ATTENDEE' or 'HOME' for 'ADR'.

protected string $_currentParamName

specifies supported parameters of a given content type property.


A property name of the currently parsed content type (CTType), like 'DTSTART' for text/calendar or 'BDAY' for text/x-vcard.

protected string $_currentPropName

specifies a supported property of a given content type.


The name of the currently parsed DevInf extension (<Ext>) as specified by the XNam element.

protected string $_currentXNam

specifies the name of one of the DevInf extension element types.


The Horde_SyncMl_DeviceInfo object where all parsed <DevInf> content is saved.

protected Horde_SyncMl_DeviceInfo $_devinf

specifies the type of the source synchronization device.


Stack for holding the XML elements during creation of the object from the XML event flow.

protected array<string|int, mixed> $_stack = array()


The version of the MIME content type in $_currentCTType as specified by the last <VerCT> element like 1.0 for text/x-vcalendar or 2.1 for text/x-vcard.

protected string $_VerCT

specifies the version of a supported content type.



Character data handler for the XML parser, delegated from Horde_SyncMl_ContentHandler::characters().

public characters(string $str) : mixed
$str : string

The data string.

Return values


End element handler for the XML parser, delegated from Horde_SyncMl_ContentHandler::endElement().

public endElement(string $uri, string $element) : mixed
$uri : string

The namespace URI of the element.

$element : string

The element tag name.

Return values


Attempts to return a concrete Horde_SyncMl_Command instance based on $command.

public factory(string $command, Horde_SyncMl_XmlOutput &$outputHandler) : Horde_SyncMl_Command
$command : string

The type of the concrete Horde_SyncMl_Comment subclass to return.

$outputHandler : Horde_SyncMl_XmlOutput

A Horde_SyncMl_XmlOutput object.

Return values

The newly created concrete Horde_SyncMl_Command instance, or false on error.


Returns the command name this instance is reponsible for.

public getCommandName() : string
Return values

The command name this object is handling.


Implements the actual business logic of the Alert command.

public handleCommand([mixed $debug = false ]) : mixed
$debug : mixed = false
Return values


Start element handler for the XML parser, delegated from Horde_SyncMl_ContentHandler::startElement().

public startElement(string $uri, string $element, array<string|int, mixed> $attrs) : mixed
$uri : string

The namespace URI of the element.

$element : string

The element tag name.

$attrs : array<string|int, mixed>

A hash with the element's attributes.

Return values

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