
in package

The mapper class handles URL generation and recognition for web applications

The mapper class is built by handling associated arrays of information and passing associated arrays back to the application for it to handle and dispatch the appropriate scripts.

Table of Contents

$alwaysScan  : bool
Call controllerScan callback before every route match?
$appendSlash  : bool
Append trailing slash ('/') to generated routes?
$cache  : Horde_Cache
$cacheLifetime  : int
Cache lifetime for the same value of $this->matchList
$controllerScan  : callable
Callback function used to get array of controller names
$debug  : bool
Collect debug information during route match?
$decodeErrors  : string
What to do on decoding errors? 'ignore' or 'replace'
$directory  : string
Path to controller directory passed to controllerScan function
$domainMatch  : string
Partial regexp used to match domain part of the end of URLs to match
$encoding  : string
Encoding of routes URLs (not yet supported)
$environ  : array<string|int, mixed>
Filtered request environment with keys like SCRIPT_NAME
$explicit  : bool
Disable route memory and implicit defaults?
$matchList  : array<string|int, mixed>
Array of connected routes
$maxKeys  : array<string|int, mixed>
Array of all connected routes, indexed by the serialized array of all keys that each route could utilize.
$minKeys  : array<string|int, mixed>
Array of all connected routes, indexed by the serialized array of the minimum keys that each route needs.
$prefix  : null|string
Prefix to strip during matching and to append during generation
$routeNames  : array<string|int, mixed>
Array of connected named routes, indexed by name
$subDomains  : bool
Use sub-domain support?
$subDomainsIgnore  : array<string|int, mixed>
Array of sub-domains to ignore if using sub-domain support
$urlCache  : array<string|int, mixed>
Cache of URLs used in generate()
$utils  : Utils
Utility functions like urlFor() and redirectTo() for this Mapper
$_createdRegs  : bool
Have regular expressions been created for all connected routes?
$_keysortTmp  : array<string|int, mixed>
Temporary variable used to pass array of keys into _keysort() callback
$_regPrefix  : string
Regular expression generated to match after the prefix
$createdGens  : bool
Have generation hashes been created for all connected routes?
$gendict  : array<string|int, mixed>
Generation hashes created for all connected routes
__construct()  : mixed
connect()  : void
Create and connect a new Route to the Mapper.
createRegs()  : void
Creates the regexes for all connected routes
generate()  : null|string
Generates the URL from a given set of keywords Returns the URL text, or null if no URL could be generated.
match()  : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Match a URL against one of the routes contained.
resource()  : void
Generate routes for a controller resource
routematch()  : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Match a URL against one of the routes contained.
setCache()  : mixed
Set an optional Horde_Cache object for the created rules.
_arrayUnion()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Create a union of two arrays.
_cmp()  : int
Equivalent of Python's cmp() function.
_createGens()  : void
Create the generation hashes (arrays) for route lookups
_keycmp()  : int
Compare two Horde_Route_Routes objects by their keys against the instance variable $keysortTmp. Used by _keysort().
_keysort()  : void
Sort an array of Horde_Routes_Routes to using _keycmp() for the comparision to order them ideally for matching.
_match()  : null|array<string|int, mixed>
Internal Route matcher
_requirementsFor()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns a new dict to be used for all route creation as the route options.
_stripSlashes()  : string
Trims slashes from the beginning or end of a part/URL.
_swap()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Swap the keys and values in the dict, and uppercase the values from the dict during the swap.



Call controllerScan callback before every route match?

public bool $alwaysScan


Append trailing slash ('/') to generated routes?

public bool $appendSlash = false



public Horde_Cache $cache


Cache lifetime for the same value of $this->matchList

public int $cacheLifetime = 86400


Callback function used to get array of controller names

public callable $controllerScan


Collect debug information during route match?

public bool $debug = false


What to do on decoding errors? 'ignore' or 'replace'

public string $decodeErrors = 'ignore'


Path to controller directory passed to controllerScan function

public string $directory


Partial regexp used to match domain part of the end of URLs to match

public string $domainMatch = '[^\.\/]+?\.[^\.\/]+'


Encoding of routes URLs (not yet supported)

public string $encoding = 'utf-8'


Filtered request environment with keys like SCRIPT_NAME

public array<string|int, mixed> $environ = []


Disable route memory and implicit defaults?

public bool $explicit


Array of connected routes

public array<string|int, mixed> $matchList = []


Array of all connected routes, indexed by the serialized array of all keys that each route could utilize.

public array<string|int, mixed> $maxKeys = []


Array of all connected routes, indexed by the serialized array of the minimum keys that each route needs.

public array<string|int, mixed> $minKeys = []


Prefix to strip during matching and to append during generation

public null|string $prefix = null


Array of connected named routes, indexed by name

public array<string|int, mixed> $routeNames = []


Use sub-domain support?

public bool $subDomains = false


Array of sub-domains to ignore if using sub-domain support

public array<string|int, mixed> $subDomainsIgnore = []


Cache of URLs used in generate()

public array<string|int, mixed> $urlCache = []


Utility functions like urlFor() and redirectTo() for this Mapper

public Utils $utils


Have regular expressions been created for all connected routes?

protected bool $_createdRegs = false


Temporary variable used to pass array of keys into _keysort() callback

protected array<string|int, mixed> $_keysortTmp


Regular expression generated to match after the prefix

protected string $_regPrefix = null


Have generation hashes been created for all connected routes?

protected bool $createdGens = false


Generation hashes created for all connected routes

protected array<string|int, mixed> $gendict




public __construct([mixed $kargs = [] ]) : mixed

Keyword arguments ($kargs): controllerScan (callback) Function to return an array of valid controllers

redirect (callback) Function to perform a redirect for Horde_Routes_Utils->redirectTo()

directory (string) Path to the directory that will be passed to the controllerScan callback

alwaysScan (boolean) Should the controllerScan callback be called before every URL match?

explicit (boolean) Should routes be connected with the implicit defaults of array('controller'=>'content', 'action'=>'index', 'id'=>null)? When set to True, these will not be added to route connections.

$kargs : mixed = []
Return values


Create and connect a new Route to the Mapper.

public connect(mixed $first[, mixed $second = null ][, mixed $third = null ]) : void

Usage: $m = new Horde_Routes_Mapper(); $m->connect(':controller/:action/:id'); $m->connect('date/:year/:month/:day', array('controller' => "blog", 'action' => 'view'); $m->connect('archives/:page', array('controller' => 'blog', 'action' => 'by_page', ' requirements' => array('page' => '\d{1,2}'))); $m->connect('category_list', 'archives/category/:section', array('controller' => 'blog', 'action' => 'category', 'section' => 'home', 'type' => 'list')); $m->connect('home', '', array('controller' => 'blog', 'action' => 'view', 'section' => 'home'));

$first : mixed

First argument in vargs, see usage above.

$second : mixed = null

Second argument in varags

$third : mixed = null

Third argument in varargs

Return values


Creates the regexes for all connected routes

public createRegs([array<string|int, mixed> $clist = null ]) : void
$clist : array<string|int, mixed> = null

controller list, controller_scan will be used otherwise

Return values


Generates the URL from a given set of keywords Returns the URL text, or null if no URL could be generated.

public generate([array<string|int, mixed>|null $first = null ][, array<string|int, mixed>|null $second = null ]) : null|string

Usage: $m->generate(array('controller' => 'content', 'action' => 'view', 'id' => 10));

$first : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null

Optional explicit route list

$second : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null

Keyword arguments (key/value pairs)

Return values

URL text or null


Match a URL against one of the routes contained.

public match(string $url) : array<string|int, mixed>|null

It will return null if no valid match is found.

Usage: $resultdict = $m->match('/joe/sixpack');

$url : string

URL to match

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|null

Array if matched, otherwise null


Generate routes for a controller resource

public resource(string $memberName, string $collectionName[, array<string|int, mixed> $kargs = [] ]) : void

The $memberName name should be the appropriate singular version of the resource given your locale and used with members of the collection.

The $collectionName name will be used to refer to the resource collection methods and should be a plural version of the $memberName argument. By default, the $memberName name will also be assumed to map to a controller you create.

The concept of a web resource maps somewhat directly to 'CRUD' operations. The overlying things to keep in mind is that mapping a resource is about handling creating, viewing, and editing that resource.

All keyword arguments ($kargs) are optional.

controller If specified in the keyword args, the controller will be the actual controller used, but the rest of the naming conventions used for the route names and URL paths are unchanged.

collection Additional action mappings used to manipulate/view the entire set of resources provided by the controller.


    $map->resource('message', 'messages',
                   array('collection' => array('rss' => 'GET)));
    # GET /message;rss (maps to the rss action)
    # also adds named route "rss_message"

member Additional action mappings used to access an individual 'member' of this controllers resources.


     $map->resource('message', 'messages',
                    array('member' => array('mark' => 'POST')));
     # POST /message/1;mark (maps to the mark action)
     # also adds named route "mark_message"

new Action mappings that involve dealing with a new member in the controller resources.


     $map->resource('message', 'messages',
                    array('new' => array('preview' => 'POST')));
     # POST /message/new;preview (maps to the preview action)
     # also adds a url named "preview_new_message"

pathPrefix Prepends the URL path for the Route with the pathPrefix given. This is most useful for cases where you want to mix resources or relations between resources.

namePrefix Perpends the route names that are generated with the namePrefix given. Combined with the pathPrefix option, it's easy to generate route names and paths that represent resources that are in relations.


     map.resource('message', 'messages',
                  array('controller' => 'categories',
                        'pathPrefix' => '/category/:category_id',
                        'namePrefix' => 'category_')));
         # GET /category/7/message/1
         # has named route "category_message"

parentResource An assoc. array containing information about the parent resource, for creating a nested resource. It should contain the $memberName and collectionName of the parent resource. This assoc. array will be available via the associated Route object which can be accessed during a request via request.environ['routes.route']

 If ``parentResource`` is supplied and ``pathPrefix`` isn't,
 ``pathPrefix`` will be generated from ``parentResource`` as
 "<parent collection name>/:<parent member name>_id".

 If ``parentResource`` is supplied and ``namePrefix`` isn't,
 ``namePrefix`` will be generated from ``parentResource`` as
 "<parent member name>_".


     $m = new Horde_Routes_Mapper();
     $utils = $m->utils;

     $m->resource('location', 'locations',
                  array('parentResource' =>
                         array('memberName' => 'region',
                               'collectionName' => 'regions'))));
     # pathPrefix is "regions/:region_id"
     # namePrefix is "region_"

     $utils->urlFor('region_locations', array('region_id'=>13));
     # '/regions/13/locations'

     $utils->urlFor('region_new_location', array('region_id'=>13));
     # '/regions/13/locations/new'

                   array('region_id'=>13, 'id'=>60));
     # '/regions/13/locations/60'

                   array('region_id'=>13, 'id'=>60));
     # '/regions/13/locations/60/edit'

Overriding generated pathPrefix::

 $m = new Horde_Routes_Mapper();
 $utils = new Horde_Routes_Utils();

 $m->resource('location', 'locations',
              array('parentResource' =>
                    array('memberName' => 'region',
                          'collectionName' => 'regions'),
                    'pathPrefix' => 'areas/:area_id')));
  # name prefix is "region_"

  $utils->urlFor('region_locations', array('area_id'=>51));
  # '/areas/51/locations'

Overriding generated namePrefix::

  $m = new Horde_Routes_Mapper
 $m->resource('location', 'locations',
              array('parentResource' =>
                    array('memberName' => 'region',
                          'collectionName' => 'regions'),
                    'namePrefix' => '')));
  # pathPrefix is "regions/:region_id"

  $utils->urlFor('locations', array('region_id'=>51));
  # '/regions/51/locations'

Note: Since Horde Routes 0.2.0 and Python Routes 1.8, this method is not compatible with earlier versions inasmuch as the semicolon is no longer used to delimit custom actions. This was a change in Rails itself ( and adopting it here allows us to keep parity with Rails and ActiveResource.

$memberName : string

Singular version of the resource name

$collectionName : string

Collection name (plural of $memberName)

$kargs : array<string|int, mixed> = []

Keyword arguments (see above)

Return values


Match a URL against one of the routes contained.

public routematch(string $url) : array<string|int, mixed>|null

It will return null if no valid match is found, otherwise a result dict (array) and a route object is returned.

Usage: list($resultdict, $resultobj) = $m->match('/joe/sixpack');

$url : string

URL to match

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|null

Array if matched, otherwise null


Set an optional Horde_Cache object for the created rules.

public setCache(Horde_Cache $cache) : mixed
$cache : Horde_Cache

Cache object

Return values


Create a union of two arrays.

protected _arrayUnion(array<string|int, mixed> $a, array<string|int, mixed> $b) : array<string|int, mixed>
$a : array<string|int, mixed>

First array

$b : array<string|int, mixed>

Second array

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Union of $a and $b


Equivalent of Python's cmp() function.

protected _cmp(int|float $a, int|float $b) : int
$a : int|float

First item to compare

$b : int|float

Second item to compare

Return values

Result of comparison


Create the generation hashes (arrays) for route lookups

protected _createGens() : void
Return values


Compare two Horde_Route_Routes objects by their keys against the instance variable $keysortTmp. Used by _keysort().

protected _keycmp(Route $a, Route $b) : int
$a : Route

First dict (assoc. array)

$b : Route

Second dict

Return values


Sort an array of Horde_Routes_Routes to using _keycmp() for the comparision to order them ideally for matching.

protected _keysort(array<string|int, mixed> &$array) : void

An unfortunate property of PHP's usort() is that if two members compare equal, their order in the sorted array is undefined (see PHP manual). This is unsuitable for us because the order that the routes were connected to the mapper is significant.

Uses this method uses merge sort algorithm based on the comments in

$array : array<string|int, mixed>

Array Horde_Routes_Route objects to sort (by reference)

Return values


Internal Route matcher

protected _match(string $url) : null|array<string|int, mixed>

Matches a URL against a route, and returns a tuple (array) of the match dict (array) and the route object if a match is successful, otherwise it returns null.

$url : string

URL to match

Return values
null|array<string|int, mixed>

Match data if matched, otherwise null


Returns a new dict to be used for all route creation as the route options.

protected _requirementsFor(string $method, array<string|int, mixed> $options) : array<string|int, mixed>
$method : string

Request method ('get', 'post', etc.) or 'any'

$options : array<string|int, mixed>

Assoc. array to populate with 'conditions' key

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

$options populated


Trims slashes from the beginning or end of a part/URL.

protected _stripSlashes(string $name) : string
$name : string

Part or URL with slash at begin/end

Return values

Part or URL with begin/end slashes removed


Swap the keys and values in the dict, and uppercase the values from the dict during the swap.

protected _swap(array<string|int, mixed> $dct, array<string|int, mixed> $newdct) : array<string|int, mixed>
$dct : array<string|int, mixed>

Input dict (assoc. array)

$newdct : array<string|int, mixed>

Output dict to populate

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

$newdct populated

Search results