in package
The Horde_LoginTasks_Backend:: class provides the specific backend providing the dependencies of the LoginTasks system (e.g. preferences, session storage, redirection facilites, shutdown management etc.)
Copyright 2001-2017 Horde LLC (http://www.horde.org/)
See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you did not receive this file, see http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21.
Table of Contents
- getLastRun() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get the information about the last time the tasks were run. Array keys are app names, values are last run timestamps. Special key '_once' contains list of ONCE tasks previously run.
- getLoginTasksUrl() : string
- Return the URL of the login tasks view.
- getTasklistFromCache() : Horde_LoginTasks_Tasklist|bool
- Retrieve a cached tasklist if it exists.
- getTasks() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get the class names of the task classes that need to be performed.
- markLastRun() : mixed
- Mark the current time as time the login tasks were run for the last time.
- redirect() : mixed
- Redirect to the given URL.
- setLastRun() : mixed
- Store the information about the last time the tasks were run.
- storeTasklistInCache() : mixed
- Store a login tasklist in the cache.
Get the information about the last time the tasks were run. Array keys are app names, values are last run timestamps. Special key '_once' contains list of ONCE tasks previously run.
abstract getLastRun() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —The information about the last time the tasks were run.
Return the URL of the login tasks view.
abstract getLoginTasksUrl() : string
Return values
string —The URL of the login tasks view
Retrieve a cached tasklist if it exists.
abstract getTasklistFromCache() : Horde_LoginTasks_Tasklist|bool
Return values
Horde_LoginTasks_Tasklist|bool —The cached task list or false if no task list was cached.
Get the class names of the task classes that need to be performed.
abstract getTasks() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —An array of class names.
Mark the current time as time the login tasks were run for the last time.
abstract markLastRun() : mixed
Return values
mixed —redirect()
Redirect to the given URL.
abstract redirect(string $url) : mixed
- $url : string
The URL to redirect to.
Return values
mixed —setLastRun()
Store the information about the last time the tasks were run.
abstract setLastRun(array<string|int, mixed> $last) : mixed
- $last : array<string|int, mixed>
The information about the last time the tasks were run.
Return values
mixed —storeTasklistInCache()
Store a login tasklist in the cache.
abstract storeTasklistInCache(Horde_LoginTasks_Tasklist|bool $tasklist) : mixed
- $tasklist : Horde_LoginTasks_Tasklist|bool
The tasklist to be stored.