

Table of Contents

lib/Horde/DNS/Backend/Bind9.php 1
lib/Horde/DNS/Backend/Rdo.php 21
lib/Horde/DNS/Record.php 2
lib/Horde/DNS/Zone.php 4
src/AwsRoute53.php 5
src/Db.php 1


Type Line Description
TODO 84 Add update for the record


Type Line Description
TODO 46 Check if necessary
TODO 52 Simplify the checks, if possible
TODO 53 Check, if all these are necessary
TODO 67 use similar variable names for all functions
TODO 70 Change check to zone not empty
TODO 71 If the Zone exists, don't throw an exception
TODO 86 Check if necessary
TODO 92 That's all not necessary
TODO 106 only check if the $zone is alright and use the zone_id if possible
TODO 119 Throw an exception if Zone was not found
TODO 129 Check if necessary
TODO 135 That's all not necessary
TODO 146 findOne($record->record_id) is everything it takes
TODO 149 Add Test for validate that a changed type does not violates the cname rule
TODO 165 Check if necessary
TODO 171 Only one zone should have this name then! Otherwise the records could be mixed up
TODO 174 Simplify the checks, if possible
TODO 192 Validate the zone earlier
TODO 196 Validate the record earlier
TODO 212 Check if necessary
TODO 218 That's all not necessary


Type Line Description
TODO 19 Just use an empty array
TODO 202 Check if attribute exists


Type Line Description
TODO 19 Just use an empty array
TODO 76 Check if there is a more simplified process to this
TODO 106 Use better variable names
TODO 142 Check if attribute exists


Type Line Description
TODO 104 Handle errors
TODO 131 Some types like NS can have multiple values
TODO 407 Logging
TODO 460 Logging
TODO 467 throw Exception here?


Type Line Description
TODO 194 This might break on multi-value records

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